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Statements for the Record: Any individual or organization wanting to present their views for inclusion in the hearing record should submit a typewritten, single-spaced statement, not exceeding 10 pages in length. Title and date of the hearing, and the full name and address of the individual or organization must appear on the first page of the statement. Statements must be received no later than two weeks following the conclusion of the hearing.

Statements should be mailed (not faxed) to:

Senate Committee on Finance
Attn. Editorial and Document Section
Rm. SD-219
Dirksen Senate Office Bldg.
Washington, DC 20510-6200b


November 2008

11-19-08 Health Care Reform: An Economic Perspective

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11-17-08 Nomination Hearing

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October 2008

10-21-08 High Health Care Costs: A State Perspective

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September 2008

9-23-08 Covering the Uninsured:  Making Health Insurance Markets Work

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9-16-08 Aligning Incentives: The Case for Delivery System Reform

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9-10-08 Open Executive Session to consider a Chairman’s Mark in the nature of a substitute to S. 3038, the “Improved Adoption Incentives and Relative Guardianship Support Act of 2008”, a Chairman’s Mark in the nature of a substitute to S. 1070, the “Elder Justice Act of 2008”, and a Chairman’s Mark in the nature of a substitute to S. 1577, the “Patient Safety and Abuse Prevention Act of 2008”

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9-9-08 Improving Health Care Quality: An Integral Step Toward Health Reform

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August 2008

8-01-08 POSTPONED: Open Executive Session to consider a Chairman’s Mark in the nature of a substitute to S. 3038, the “Improved Adoption Incentives and Relative Guardianship Support Act of 2008”, a Chairman’s Mark in the nature of a substitute to S. 1070, the “Elder Justice Act of 2008”, and a Chairman’s Mark in the nature of a substitute to S. 1577, the “Patient Safety and Abuse Prevention Act of 2008”

July 2008

7-31-08 Health Benefits in the Tax Code: The Right Incentives

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7-29-08 The Future of U.S. Trade Policy: Perspectives from Former U.S. Trade Representatives

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7-24-08 Subcommittee on Energy, Natural Resources, and Infrastructure Hearing on Tax and Financing Aspects of Highway Public-Private Partnerships

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7-24-08 The Cayman Islands and Offshore Tax Issues

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7-23-08 Open Executive Session to consider S.J. Res. 41

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7-22-08 Indian Governments and the Tax Code:  Maximizing Tax Incentives for Economic Development

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7-17-08 The Right Care at the Right Time: Leveraging Innovation to Improve Health Care Quality for All Americans

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7-15-08 International Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights and American Competitiveness

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7-10-08 Transportation Infrastructure:  Issues and Options

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June 2008

6-26-08 The Foundation of International Tax Reform: Worldwide, Territorial, and Something in Between

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6-24-08 Oversight of Trade Functions: Customs and Other Trade Agencies

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6-18-08 Open Executive Session to consider “the Iran Sanctions Act of 2008” and pending nominations

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6-17-08 Crisis in the Future: Long Run Deficits and Debt

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6-12-08 Oversight of U.S. Trade Preference Programs

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6-10-08 47 Million & Counting: Why the Health Care Marketplace is Broken

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6-5-08 C, K, or S:  Exploring the Alphabet Soup of Small Business Choices in Advance of Tax Reform

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6-3-08 Rising Costs, Low Quality in Health Care: The Necessity for Reform

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May 2008

5-22-08 S. 1919, the Trade Enforcement Act of 2007

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5-13-08 Cracking the Code--Tax Reform for Individuals

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5-8-08 More Work, Less Resources: Social Security Field Offices Struggle to Deliver Service to the Public

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5-6-08 Seizing the New Opportunity for Health Reform

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April 2008

4-29-08 POSTPONED: Oversight of Trade Functions: Customs and Other Trade Agencies

4-24-08 Tax Aspects of a Cap-and-Trade System

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4-17-08 Hearing on Pending Nominations of Ms. Deanna Tanner Okun, to be Deputy United States Trade Representative, Executive Office of the President; Mr. Richard T. Morrison, to be a Judge of the United States Tax Court; Mr. David D. Gustafson, to be a Judge of the United States Tax Court; Ms. Elizabeth Crewson Paris, to be a Judge of the United States Tax Court; The Honorable Eric M. Thorson, to be Inspector General, U.S. Department of the Treasury; and Mr. Edwin Eck, to be a Member of the Internal Revenue Service Oversight Board, U.S. Department of the Treasury.

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4-15-08 Tax: Fundamentals in Advance of Reform

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4-10-08 Identity Theft: Who’s Got Your Number?

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4-9-08 Subcommittee on Health Care Hearing on Covering Uninsured Children: The Impact of the August 17 CHIP Directive

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4-8-08 S. 970, the Iran Counter-Proliferation Act of 2007

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4-3-08 Outside the Box on Estate Tax Reform: Reviewing Ideas to Simplify Planning

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4-1-08 Anti-Terrorism Financing: Progress Made and the Challenges Ahead

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March 2008

3-13-08 Customs Reauthorization: Strengthening U.S. Economic Interests and Security

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3-12-08 Alternatives to the Current Federal Estate Tax System

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3-6-08 The Administration’s 2008 Trade Agenda and Open Executive Session to consider the Nomination of Douglas H. Shulman, to be Commissioner of Internal Revenue and to consider revising Subcommittee Assignments to fill vacancies

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To view the Executive Session Transcript click here

February 2008

2-28-08 The Real Estate Market:  Building a Strong Economy

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2-26-08 Economic and Fiscal Conditions of the States

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2-14-08 International Aspects of a Carbon Cap and Trade Program

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2-13-08 Selling to Seniors:  The Need for Accountability and Oversight of Marketing and Sales by Medicare Private Plans (Part 2)

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2-7-08 Selling to Seniors:  The Need for Accountability and Oversight of Marketing and Sales by Medicare Private Plans (Part 1)

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2-6-08 The President’s Fiscal Year 2009 Budget Proposal (Part 2)

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2-5-08 The President’s Fiscal Year 2009 Budget Proposal (Part 1)

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January 2008

1-30-08 Open Executive Session to consider "The Economic Stimulus Act of 2008"; and to consider changes to the Rules of Procedure of the Committee on Finance

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1-30-08 Private Fee for Service Plans in Medicare Advantage:  A Closer Look

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1-29-08 Hearing to Consider the Nomination of Douglas H. Shulman to be Commissioner of Internal Revenue

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1-24-08 Strengthening America’s Economy:  Stimulus That Makes Sense (Part 2 of 2)

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1-22-08 Strengthening America’s Economy:  Stimulus That Makes Sense (Part 1 of 2)

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2007 Hearing Archive

2006 Hearing Archive

2005 Hearing Archive

2004 Hearing Archive

2003 Hearing Archive

2002 Hearing Archive

2001 Hearing Archive





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