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December 2004

  • December 16:  Leahy Attends UN - [PICTURED: Sen. Patrick Leahy takes part in a debate at the United Nations Security Council in New York.  Leahy was appointed by President Bush to be a Congressional Delegate to the United Nations]

  • December 10:  Leahy Meets with Rice - [PICTURED: Leahy and Condoleezza Rice, the nominee to head the Dept. of State, meet in Leahy's office]

November 2004

  • November 17:  Leahy and Judge Gonzales -  [PICTURED: Leahy and the President's choice to replace John Ashcroft as Attorney General, Judge Alberto Gonzales, meet in Leahy's Washington office.]
  • November 17:  Leahy and Judge Gonzales II-  [PICTURED: Leahy and the President's choice to replace John Ashcroft as Attorney General, Judge Alberto Gonzales, meet in Leahy's Washington office.]

June 2004

  • June 18:  Montpelier Moves To Internet's Cutting Edge - [PICTURED: Leahy addresses a news conference about MontpelierNet.  Senator Leahy and Marcelle Leahy go wireless on a laptop.  These photos were transmitted from the streets of Montpelier to Leahy's Washington office in seconds Friday.]
  • June 16:  National Dairy Equity Act - [PICTURED: Congressman Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Congressman Bob Etheridge (D-N.C.), Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Jim Jeffords (I-Vt.) attend a news conference to introduce the NDEA.]

May 2004

  • May 12:  Judiciary Committee Hearing With John King - (Vermont Public Television) [PICTURED:  Senator Leahy, VPT CEO and President John King, and Senator Orrin Hatch talk before the Committee meets to discuss the Satellite Home Viewer Extension Act.]
  • May 11:  Sodas In Schools News Conference - [PICTURED: Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-Calif.), Sen. Patrick Leahy and Carolyn P. Whitehead, a physical education teacher from McComb, Miss., talk about the CSPI's survey results.]

April 2004

  • April 29:  Mercury Rule Press Conference (I of II) - [PICTURED: Leahy speaks during the news conference as Rep. Tom Allen (R-Maine) and others listen.]
  • April 29:  Mercury Rule Press Conference (II of II) - [PICTURED: Senator Jeffords speaks as Sen. Leahy listens. Members of the U.S. Public Interest Research Group hold signs.]
  • April 26:  March for Life - [PICTURED: Senator Leahy, Marcelle Leahy]
  • April 22:  FOIA remarks to ASNE - [PICTURED: Senator Leahy speaks to about 300 members of the NAA and the ASNE]

March 2004

  • March 24:  Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense - [PICTURED: Sen. Byron Dorgan, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), Secretary of the Air Force Dr. James Roche, and in uniform, Chief of Staff of the Air Force General John Jumper.]
  • March 11:   Bulletproof Vest Summit (II of II) - [PICTURED: Sen. Patrick Leahy speaks to participants at the DOJ body armor summit]
  • March 11:  Bulletproof Vest Summit (I of II) - [PICTURED: Sen. Patrick Leahy speaks to participants at the DOJ body armor summit]

February 2004

January 2004

  • January 28:  National Guard and Reserve News Conference - [PICTURED: Senator Patrick Leahy speaks at a news conference announcing new Guard and Reserve Initiatives.  Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) and Minority Leader Tom Daschle (D-S.D.) listen.]
  • January 21:  Holstein Association - [PICTURED: Rick Cronce with the Holstein Association, CEO John M. Meyer  with the Holstein Association, Senator Patrick Leahy, and Dairy and Identification Program Manager Jodi Luttropp with the Holstein Association.]


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