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Erythemal Exposure

Other Names

Erythemal UV Dose, UV Index, UV Dose, Surface UV-B Irradiance, Local Noon Erythemal UV Irradiance


It is a measure of the potential for biological damage due to solar ultraviolet radiation
TOMS Erythemal Exposure is calculated using UV irradiance reaching the surface of earth (deduced from measured UV irradiance entering the atmosphere, TOMS total Ozone and Surface Reflectivity info) and Weighted by the model value of the susceptibilty of caucasian skin to sunburn(erythema).


(1) Air Quality (3) Earth Radiation Budget
(2) Health and Environment (4) Climate Change

GES DISC Datasets

Quick Search for 'Erythemal Exposure' with Mirador
Click on the corresponding 'WHOM access' links in the table below to access products containing specific parameter.

Parameter Units Platform /Instrument Data
Begin Date End Date WHOM Access Doc
Local Noon Erythemal UV Irradiance over land and ocean, global gridded (1 x 1.25 deg grids) mW/m2 Earth Probe/TOMS 1996-07-25 2005-12-31 TOMSEPL3 Y
Nimbus-7/TOMS 1978-11-01 1993-05-06 TOMSN7L3 Y
Aura/OMI 2004-08-15 Current OMUVBL3 Y

Other sources for data

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  • Last updated: June 01, 2009 19:24:22 GMT