General BRAC Issues

What impact will BRAC have on DISA's mission and existing workforce?

ANSWER: As a combat support agency, DISA is committed to making the move to Fort Meade transparent to the warfighter by minimizing disruption to the services and programs we provide. To accomplish this, we must preserve the synergy between the acquisition, engineering, sustainment, and operating capabilities of the existing workforce and retain the intellectual capital and judgment developed over many years. DISA's top priority as we plan for relocation to Fort Meade is to retain as many people as possible, both today and as we execute the move. We are looking at numerous incentive programs to encourage employees to continue working for DISA at Fort Meade. These programs include PCS entitlements, retention incentives, spouse placement assistance, telework, the wellness program, alternative work schedules, training and development, and transportation initiatives. For more details on these programs see the DISA Human Resources BRAC Transfer Plan.

What is the category of the HQ DISA Move (e.g., realignment, transfer of function) and what are the employees rights associated with that category?

ANSWER: In accordance with Office of Personnel Management regulations, it has been determined that the relocation of the DISA Headquarters to Fort Meade, Maryland is a transfer of function. A transfer of function (TOF) occurs when work is moved from one competitive area to another, or when an entire competitive area is moved to a new commuting area. Employees will be issued a formal TOF notice one year prior to their job transferring to Fort Meade, Maryland explaining their entitlements if they decline the transfer. At this time, we do know that entitlements will not include registration in the DoD Priority Placement Program or severance pay. The definition of commuting area has not been resolved by the DoD Civilian Assistance and Re-Employment Office. These definitions/benefits are crucial to determining the rights and benefits of employees impacted by the BRAC. The workforce will be notified as soon as a decision is provided.

I am planning to move to Fort Meade, where can I find information about the area?

ANSWER: DISA has been working closely with our Maryland regional partners from the communities surrounding Fort Meade (Anne Arundel County, Howard County, Baltimore County, Prince George's County, and Baltimore City) to compile information about the area. With the support of Fort Meade we have already hosted one "open house" type event with presentations, information booths and exhibits providing information on housing, education, transportation, healthcare, and recreation options. Additional open houses are planned in the near future for both the NCR area and Fort Meade. Meanwhile, you can visit the Explore the Ft. Meade Region section of this site for more information about Ft. Meade and the surrounding communities.

When is the transfer to Fort Meade expected to take place and will it be done all at once or in phases?

ANSWER: DISA is required by the 2005 BRAC law to complete the move to Fort Meade by September 2011. Current plans call for the move to occur in late 2010 and early 2011. However, consolidating DISA headquarters to Fort Meade is a large and complex project with many moving parts, all subject to schedule changes. As the project proceeds we will provide periodic status updates to the workforce to keep you informed. Planning for the actual move has just started, but it's a pretty safe bet to assume that the move will take place in phases. We're not sure yet whether the phases will be oriented around organizations, buildings, functions, or some other characteristic.

What is DISA doing at Fort Meade to prepare for the influx of 4,000 workers?

ANSWER: DISA is working closely with the Fort Meade Installation Commander and his staff to begin preparing for the influx of 4,300 DISA military, civilian, and contractor personnel arriving in 2010 and 2011. The installation is very excited by the opportunities afforded by the arrival of DISA's highly educated professional workforce. To facilitate DISA's relocation, Fort Meade has a number of initiatives under way. One of these will recapitalize Fort Meade's power and gas distribution systems through privatization. A contract was awarded to Baltimore Gas and Electric (BGE) in 2003 to begin phased replacement of the base's existing utility infrastructure. This fully funded project will provide a new electrical substation and new feeder lines to support DISA's requirements. Fort Meade is also working on privatization of water and wastewater systems. While this project is not as far along, it too is expected to support the requirements of DISA's new facility. Fort Meade is also working on an Enhanced Use Lease (EUL) project which will provide approximately two million square feet of office space available to accommodate contractors supporting DISA and other base tenants. This EUL would also generate in-kind compensation to the Army in the form of a new golf course constructed outside the Fort Meade fence line. DISA is meeting with Fort Meade regularly to discuss the status of these projects and others that will contribute to DISA's relocation.

What steps is DISA taking to mitigate potential staff losses?

ANSWER: The DISA Human Resources BRAC Transfer Plan offers the following incentives:

  • Guarantees that every permanent employee will be offered the opportunity to transfer with his or her function
  • Effective labor-management relations
  • Clear communication of the facts to all affected parties
  • Providing assistance to employees in the form of training, retraining, counseling, and placement services
  • Vacancy announcements indicate that the position will be relocated to Fort Meade by July 2011
  • Permanent change of station (PCS) benefits for employees whose one-way commuting distance increases by 10 miles or more
  • Destination services to include information about temporary housing, realtors, and mortgage lenders for those taking advantage of PCS
  • Relocation incentives up to 25% of an employee's annual pay with a written service agreement on a case-by-case basis (new hires only)
  • Retention incentives up to 25% of an employee's annual pay
  • Spouse placement assistance program
  • Wellness program offering 1 hour per day, 3 times per week for exercise
  • Compressed work schedule known as the 5-4-9 Plan that provides for 9 work days during a ten day pay period consisting of eight 9-hour workdays and one 8-hour work day
  • Telework program provides an employee the opportunity to work at home or another approved location, e.g., a GSA telework center, up to three days per week with supervisory approval
  • Child care center and physical fitness facility at Fort Meade
  • Transportation support to include the Mass Transit Subsidy, buses from Northern Virginia to Fort Meade, buses at rail termination points, web page for car pools to match drivers with riders, priority parking for car pools, and others as they are identified
  • Employee assistance program including activities and counseling in the areas of personal finance, emotional and psychological programs, and substance abuse awareness and treatment
  • Worklife4You Program that provides employees a wealth of information, tools and resources on many topics
  • Career Management Programs to enhance career development

In order to identify other steps that may help mitigate potential staff losses DISA has established a Quality of Worklife Work Group to address and review each of the Worklife Programs currently in place. In addition, employees may make suggestions by submitting feedback.

Are there any plans to use Ft. Meade area facilities for training or off-sites?

ANSWER: MPS has already begun coordinating with education and training institutions in Maryland, more specifically, the Fort Meade area. MPS is working on DISA BRAC initiatives and will implement some of the initiatives prior to the move to Fort Meade. In areas where it is financially feasible and allowable per the contracts, DISA will offer classes in the Fort Meade area. As training contracts come up for renewal, MPS is including Maryland training and education institutions.

Will DISA still be inclued in the Washington-Baltimore-Northern Virginia, DC-MD-VA-WV-PA locality pay area at Fort Meade, Md.?

ANSWER: Yes. Fort Meade is located in Anne Arundel, Maryland, which falls under the locality pay area defined within the Washington-Baltimore-Northern Virginia, DC-MD-VA-WV-PA geographic code. As such, the locality pay remains the same.