It's been scientifically proven that an individual's physical work environment can significantly affect one's attitudes, energy levels, productivity, and overall job satisfaction. In our line of work, the technological infrastructure is an equally significant contributing factor.

Relocating to Ft. Meade has provided us with a rare opportunity to build a state-of-the-art facility customized to meet the needs of our workforce and unique mission. We've planned carefully for more than three years - incorporating the ideas and desires of the workforce - to create a building that we will all be proud to call our own.

The Web cameras will help you track the progress of our new home. Meanwhile, you can learn more about what the new facility has to offer in terms of your well-being, new technology, and a more comfortable and collaborative work environment.

  • State-of-the-art fitness center with access to outdoor nature trails
  • 85% of the workforce will be exposed to natural light.
  • A spacious cafeteria will seat more than 700 people and will also have an outdoor seating area.
  • All entrances will be in compliance with ADA and accessible via ramps.
  • Under-floor air vents will allow each employee to comfortably control the amount of air blowing into his or her workstation or office.
  • Ergonomic cubicles and fully adjustable desk chairs
  • An in-house wellness center with a nurse and Employee Assistance Program counselor
  • Outdoor courtyard and seating areas allowing employees to enjoy fresh air
  • Laptop hookups in conference rooms
  • Audio-visual capabilities built in to conference rooms
  • IT infrastructure will support thin client and wireless systems
  • Robust IT infrastructure will support current and future enterprise architecture
  • Building automation system managing mechanical and electrical systems for maximum efficiency
  • Centrally managed scheduling system for conference rooms
  • Environmentally-friendly, sustainable design meeting the standards for LEED Silver Certification as determined by the U.S. Green Building Council.
  • Building materials will come from local areas and consist of recycled material.
  • 85% of the workforce will be exposed to natural light.
  • Under-floor air vents will allow each employee to efficiently control the amount of air blowing into his or her workstation or office.
  • A recycling program
  • Priority parking will be provided for vanpools and carpools, as well as fuel-efficient and low-emission vehicles.


  • 95 acre site will contain a 1,070,000-square-foot, multistory campus facility
  • The complex will feature 7 major buildings - command building, operations building, acquisition building, common building, warehouse, laboratory, and utility building.
  • All buildings will be connected by enclosed walkways.
  • Free parking lots and a garage located near the facility
  • Cubicles will have low-paneled walls to encourage collaboration.
  • Teaming areas will have tables and couches or benches to encourage informal meetings and brainstorming sessions.

Explore the Ft. Meade Region


Construction site snapshots are updated at five minute increments.


Webcam #1 faces east, toward construction of the Command building. A portion of the Operations building is visible to the left. Webcam #2 faces west, toward the future site of the Lab and Warehouse buildings.




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