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NMFS Scientific Publications Office

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Fishery Bulletin Contact Information

Scientific Editor's Office

Dr. Richard D. Brodeur
Scientific Editor, Fishery Bulletin 

Northwest Fisheries Science Center
2030 S. Marine Science Dr.
Newport, OR 97365-5296




Note: Please read the Guidelines for Authors before submitting manuscripts to the Scientific Editor.

To check on the status of a manuscript you have submitted, please visit the Manuscript Status page.

NMFS Scientific Publications Office

For information on manuscripts that have been accepted for publication and are now in production at the Scientific Publications Office, please contact:
Sharyn Matriotti
Managing Editor, Fishery Bulletin
NMFS Scientific Publications Office
7600 Sand Point Way N.E.
Seattle, WA 98115

phone: 206-526-5403

For questions regarding the Fishery Bulletin mailing list and publication exchange agreements, please e-mail the office at or call 206-526-6107.

Questions on Subscriptions

Paid subscriptions are handled by the U.S. Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Documents. Please contact that office directly with any subscription-related questions at 202-512-1800.

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