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Easy to Follow Guide for the House Democrats Health Care Proposal
Posted by Staff on July 23, 2009

Click here for an easy to follow guide on the House Democrats health care proposal.   

The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • Kevin Klear commented on 7/23/2009
    The Health Care proposals are being sold based on visions, goals, wants, and hopes. No facts or details about "who, what, and how". This process chart does show the "whos, whats, and hows". The Dems are blocking official distribution to Rep constituents, claiming some inaccuracies in the process chart. Obviously the inaccuracies are a minor portion of the process chart, or Dems would offer to correct those inaccuracies. Then Obama, Pelosi, and their team could schedule a prime time TV slot to explain it to everyone.
  • Marjeane King commented on 7/24/2009
    What a nightmare! How ignorant do they think we Americans are? We have people coming in to our country to partake of our healthcare system. It may not be perfect but it beats universal or national healthcare. It never ceases to amaze me that they keep trying to push the lie that if you don't have insurance you cannot get healthcare. I know for a fact you can. A hospital will not refuse to treat you. My husband needed to go and have tests for his heart. We had no insurance at the time and they treated him, tested him and he had excellent care. We live in a great country. God bless the USA!
  • George Woods, MD commented on 7/26/2009
    Mr. Latta, please do not vote for the health bills that are currently being considered as of 7/25/09. Also, please try to get the legislation to address the issue of physician liability. This has to be part of any health plan or it will fail.
  • Larry Snow commented on 7/26/2009
    I'd like to know who wrote this bill. Has the President actually read it and does he understand the implications? Has the Senate and the House read the bill and do they understand it? Besides this point, I wonder, why we need more government involvment? We already have too much fat in Washington. We should be dieting rather than expanding the waist line so to speak as it relates to government size, spending, and involvement in citizens lives. I believe it's time for our political leaders and citizens alike to step back and examine what we expect, what we actually need, and cut the pet projects. Larry Snow
  • GEORGIANNA ADKINS commented on 7/28/2009
    I totally agree with the above comments concerning Health Care Reform.We do not need the Government running it.Again does everyone know what they are voting for or is it just following the pied piper? If national health care worked why do so many come here?Big issue is it won't apply to the President or Government officials,correct?And if you can pay for everything you will be okay.I believe EVERYONE should be involved if it is past(pray it isn't)The government needs to get on a budget and live like the rest of us do.You don't spend if you don't have! I agree we need to do something but rushing doesn't solve the problems.Our president is trying to ram issues down our throats without looking at the backlash it can cause(or doesn't he care as long as he gets HIS way? NO NO to Government Health Care,Cap and Trade,tax on beverages ,taking way our freedom of choice ,our gun rights,controling the media and destroying our Constitution.
  • Debbie Kuhn commented on 8/10/2009
    I am fearful for the American People, with the Healthcare Bill. I am fearful because the government wants to be in charge of Healthcare. Michelle Obama stated: As an Adult I have never been prouder to being an American. Sadly as an Adult I have never been more scared to be an American. Afraid for our Country. Is it to much to ask of our Congressmen/women & Senators to read the bills that are put before them? Isn't that part of there job? Isn't that what they get paid for? Do your JOB? The reports are out there, as to why this Healthcare plan will not work, Has anyone been paying attention to Canada & the U.K.? government health care plans do not work. Also once the monies run out, and the government has to start to rationing, who & who does not get medical attention then what? Who has the right to choose, who does & does not get medical treatment. God help our Elderly and our Children. Remember we all get old!! I pray that this bill is taken out. That they get the full understanding of what the out come will be. I am not sure how any one feels about this subject but, How did you feel when President Obama, basically told us all to shut up and let him do what he has to do to clean up the mess of the past. I was shocked and insulted. I felt why would he say that to the American people. Think of what our Founding Father's would say: I bet they are doing flips in there graves. Sad, so very Sad. So please, Read the Bill, Conform the bill, revise the bill, but don't let that bill as it stands pass! God Bless America and the Contittution of the United States of America...
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