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News from 1999


December 31, 1999: Planet busters, not! -- NASA MSFC
December 31, 1999: Rose Parade float to honor NASA, space exploration -- CNN
December 30, 1999: Geomagnetic storms may kick off the new millennium -- ScienceDaily
December 29, 1999: The warp and woof of a geomagnetic storm -- NASA MSFC
December 27, 1999: Solar moss -- NASA GSFC APOD
December 23, 1999: Unusual aurora during solar wind dropout -- NASA GSFC APOD
December 22, 1999: Taking pictures of the invisible -- tracking weather above the sky -- ScienceDaily
December 21, 1999: Going prospecting inside a supernova -- NASA MSFC
December 17, 1999: Balloon flight will help scientists understand how to shield Mars crews -- NASA MSFC
December 17, 1999: Moss on the Sun found by NASA's TRACE probe -- Spaceflight Now
December 16, 1999: Solar cycle ups and downs continues to mystify scientists -- NASA MSFC
December 13, 1999: The day the solar wind disappeared -- NASA MSFC
December 10, 1999: Spot the planet -- NASA GSFC APOD
December 9, 1999: The near disappearance of the solar wind -- ACE News
December 2, 1999: Fluctuation anisotropy within magnetic clouds -- ACE News
December 1, 1999: SOHO Sun-watching probe encounters new trouble -- Spaceflight Now


November 29, 1999: ACCESS intercepts cosmic rays -- CERN Courier
November 15, 1999: A unified physics by 2050? -- Scientific American
November 12, 1999: An active Sun -- BBC News
November 12, 1999: Look at that sunspot go! -- NASA MSFC
November 11, 1999: Solar storms will be disruptive -- Wired News
November 5, 1999: Solar wind nitrogen: SWIMS -- ACE News
November 4, 1999: Computer predicts impact of solar storms -- CNN


October 27, 1999: In the heart of the Tarantula Nebula -- NASA GSFC APOD
October 24, 1999: The magnetic carpet of the Sun -- NASA GSFC APOD
October 22, 1999: Aurora alert -- NASA MSFC
October 21, 1999: Follow the spots -- NASA GSFC APOD
October 19, 1999: Earth's magnetic North Pole -- NASA GSFC APOD
October 15, 1999: Solar deja vu -- NASA MSFC
October 14, 1999: Solar cycle update -- NASA MSFC
October 6, 1999: Speed of light may not be constant, physicist suggests -- Science Daily
October 1, 1999: Abundances of iron, cobalt, and nickel isotopes suggest cosmic rays originate from interstellar matter -- ACE News


September 27, 1999: Tracing solar wind matter in the magnetosphere: ACE-SWICS and Polar-CAMMICE results -- ACE News
September 23, 1999: Equinox and eruptive prominence -- NASA GSFC APOD
September 15, 1999: The big corona -- NASA GSFC APOD
September 12, 1999: Stonehenge: Ancient monument to the Sun -- NASA GSFC APOD
September 7, 1999: Plasma, plasma, everywhere -- NASA MSFC
September 2, 1999: The Sun's sizzling corona -- NASA MSFC


August 31, 1999: Solar activity heats up -- NASA MSFC
August 30, 1999: Looking back on an eclipsed Earth -- NASA GSFC APOD
August 20, 1999: At the Sun's edge -- NASA GSFC APOD
August 19, 1999: Light from the dark Sun -- NASA GSFC APOD
August 18, 1999: Sun block -- NASA GSFC APOD
August 17, 1999: A crescent sunrise -- NASA GSFC APOD
August 17, 1999: Auroral camera will help interpret data from Cassini flyby -- NASA MSFC
August 13, 1999: Eclipse in the shade -- NASA GSFC APOD
August 11, 1999: Eclipse '99 - NASA -- Other Eclipse 1999 web sites
August 11, 1999: Millions watch century's last eclipse -- CNN
August 11, 1999: Eclipse scientists in the swing -- BBC News
August 11, 1999: Earth wonders at heaven's gift -- BBC News
August 10, 1999: A total eclipse for Europe -- NASA GSFC APOD
August 10, 1999: Scientists drawn to midday darkness near Transylvania -- NASA MSFC
August 10, 1999: Don't forget the partial eclipse! -- NASA MSFC
August 9, 1999: Solar maximum to boost eclipse -- CNN
August 5, 1999: There goes the Sun -- NASA MSFC


July 31, 1999: X-ray triple jet -- NASA GSFC APOD
July 30, 1999: Variability of 22Ne/20Ne at 1 MeV/nucleon measured by ACE/ULEIS -- ACE News
July 22, 1999: Seasons of the Sun -- NASA MSFC
July 21, 1999: A cool ion beam observed upstream of an interplanetary shock -- ACE News
July 19, 1999: Genesis spacecraft to collect solar wind samples -- CNN
July 19, 1999: NASA commissions Judy Collins to write a song in honor of Eileen Collins through the NASA Art Program -- NASA KSC
July 16, 1999: Solar surfin' -- NASA GSFC APOD
July 15, 1999: "Art Aboard!" --NASA art rides the rails to tour U.S. -- NASA HQ
July 8, 1999: Surfing the solar wind -- NASA Space Science Update
July 8, 1999: Surf's up: Historic Glenn mission and SOHO make major advance on 37-year-old solar mystery -- NASA
July 8, 1999: Surfing magnetic waves in the solar atmosphere -- NASA MSFC
July 7, 1999: Charge state variations between impulsive and CME related solar energetic particle events -- ACE News
July 3, 1999: Outta sight! A crafty peek at the Sun's back -- Science News Online


June 28, 1999: Possible connection between solar supergranulation and temporal variations of solar energetic particles -- ACE News
June 18, 1999: Non-radial IMF connection between the Earth's bow shock and L1 -- ACE News
June 15, 1999: The Sun oscillates -- NASA GSFC APOD
June 11, 1999: NASA selects 1999 SHARP PLUS student apprentices -- NASA HQ
June 10, 1999: Oklahoma students highlight NASA at National History Day -- NASA HQ
June 2, 1999: Solar flares show their true colors -- NASA MSFC
June 1-4, 1999: American Geophysical Union -- Spring Meeting -- AGU
June 1, 1999: How do gusts in solar wind stir the aurora? -- NASA MSFC
June 1, 1999: "Cool" microflares could be solar hot spots -- NASA MSFC
June 1, 1999: Radio astronomers measure Sun's orbit around Milky Way -- Houston Chronicle


May 1999: Scientists put the deep freeze on light and slow it down to 38 miles per hour! -- Jupiter Scientific
May 31, 1999: New findings narrow theories on cosmic ray origin -- NASA GSFC
May 26, 1999: Dark energy fills the cosmos -- ScienceDaily
May 19, 1999: Star Wars technology, coming soon to a planet near you -- NASA MSFC
May 10, 1999: Whole Sun month at solar minimum: Results of a worldwide study -- AGU News
May 9, 1999: When the numbers just don't add up -- Australian Academy of Science
May 6, 1999: NASA provides grant to UDC for program to encourage and prepare students for careers in math and science -- NASA LeRC
May 6, 1999: Sightings -- NASA MSFC
May 5, 1999: S&E degrees to women, minorities on the rise, math achievement "gender gap" is gone -- NSF
May 3, 1999: President Clinton names outstanding mathematics and science teachers -- NSF
May 3, 1999: Public service awards go to Stephen Jay Gould and PBS' Bill Nye, "The Science Guy" -- NSF


April 30, 1999 Solar shock wave -- NASA GSFC APOD
April 29, 1999: Caltech/FACS launch science education program for journalists -- Caltech
April 28, 1999: A sundial for Mars -- NASA GSFC APOD
April 27, 1999: NASA provides contract to Fernbank Science Center for program to encourage and prepare students for careers in math and science -- NASA LeRC
April 27, 1999: APS centennial photographs -- American Institute of Physics
April 23, 1999: A Physicist in Congress -- Science Friday
April 21, 1999: Martian sundial designed for 2001 space mission is unveiled by Bill Nye "The Science Guy" -- Cornell University
April 20, 1999: It takes more than one kind of telescope to see the light -- NASA MSFC
April 19, 1999: NASA provides grant to York College/CUNY for program to encourage and prepare students for careers in math and science -- NASA LeRC
April 16, 1999: New teacher award honors NSF Program Director -- NSF
April 13, 1999: Study links solar activity to Earth's climate -- CNN
April 12, 1999: Correlated isotopic and elemental fractionation of solar energetic particles -- ACE News
April 8, 1999: Link between solar cycle and climate is blowin' in the wind -- NASA GSFC


March 24, 1999: Old photographic technique applied to future energy research -- NASA MSFC
March 22, 1999: Eclipse cooks eyeballs -- BBC News
March 20, 1999: Aurora and Orion -- NASA GSFC APOD
March 19, 1999: Science@NASA wins at 1999 Webby Awards -- NASA MSFC
March 16, 1999: Sigmoids predict solar eruptions -- NASA GSFC APOD
March 15, 1999: "S" marks the spot -- Scientific American
March 12, 1999: Hydrogen, helium, and the stars of M10 -- NASA GSFC APOD
March 12, 1999: NASA's asteroid hunters net a surprise catch -- ScienceDaily
March 11, 1999: Caltech astronomer elected president of the American Astronomical Society -- Caltech
March 10, 1999: Do magnetic holes originate in the corona? -- ACE News
March 9, 1999: Solar structures can help forecast largest solar blasts -- NASA
March 9, 1999: Finding the 'smoking gun' before it fires -- NASA MSFC
March 9, 1999: Structure on Sun used to help predict largest solar explosions: Observations show that "S" marks the spot -- AGU
March 9, 1999: Scientists to forecast Sun eruptions -- BBC News
March 9, 1999: Solar scientists: 'S' marks the violent spots -- CNN
March 9, 1999: 'S' marks the spot -- NASA MSFC
March 5, 1999: Scientific secrecy -- Science Friday
March 5, 1999: 'Sensational' anti-matter discovery -- BBC News
March 3, 1999: Future telescope could shatter solar high-resolution barrier -- NASA MSFC
March 1, 1999: This year's centennial meeting of the American Physical Society and on a century of discoveries in physics -- Jupiter Scientific
March 1, 1999: Discovery of supernovae "fossils" challenges conventional chemistry -- Science Daily


February 22, 1999: New electron states observed by Caltech physicists -- Caltech
February 16, 1999: Space weather camera set for launch in 2000 -- NASA MSFC
February 16, 1999: Australians witness 'ring of fire' eclipse -- CNN
February 15, 1999: Solar eclipse live on Web -- BBC News
February 15, 1999: Ring of fire solar eclipse webcast -- Discover Channel
February 12, 1999: Solar wind sulfur isotopes: SWIMS -- ACE News
February 8, 1999: The solar wind emerges -- NASA GSFC APOD
February 4, 1999: Spiral sunspot -- NASA GSFC APOD
February 4, 1999: SOHO spacecraft detects source of high speed "wind" from the Sun -- NASA GSFC
February 4, 1999: New images reveal 'honeycomb' source of solar wind -- CNN
February 4, 1999: Where the solar wind blows -- BBC News
February 1, 1999: Johns Hopkins-led proposal to study interaction between Earth's atmosphere and nearby space is finalist in NASA's Explorer Program -- ScienceDaily
February 1, 1999: The price of eclipse -- BBC News


January 30, 1999: Big date in deep space -- Houston Chronicle
January 27, 1999: Hypatia of Alexandria -- NASA GSFC APOD
January 27, 1999: Keeping third world scientists connected via technology -- ScienceDaily
January 25, 1999: Program pairs teens, NASA to build robot -- Houston Chronicle
January 23, 1999: Saturnian Aurora -- NASA GSFC APOD
January 21, 1999: Up, up, and away to the magnetosphere -- NASA MSFC
January 19, 1999: The Oscars of the Internet -- NASA MSFC
January 19, 1999: Space weather rocket standing by for launch -- NASA MSFC
January 18, 1999: Astronomers capture a puff of cosmic wind -- Discovery Channel
January 13, 1999: Astrophysicists announce superwinds discovery -- ScienceDaily
January 12, 1999: Arctic CAPER standing by for launch -- NASA MSFC
January 11, 1999: Perihelion Sun -- NASA GSFC APOD
January 8, 1999: Stars in neighboring galaxy offer clues to mystery of dark matter -- ScienceDaily
January 7, 1999: Astronomers believe in ghosts -- Discovery Channel
January 7, 1999: Plasma scientists plan polar CAPER to study auroral ion fountain -- NASA MSFC
January 7, 1999: Deep Space probe takes measure of solar wind -- CNN

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