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Issue: Iraq

Hall: "Five years of this misguided war has cost America too much."
March 18, 2008
Washington, DC – U.S. Rep. John Hall (D-NY19) issued the following statement on the fifth anniversary of the war in Iraq.
"As U.S. military involvement in Iraq enters its sixth year, this misguided war is costing American taxpayers more than $12 billion a month and taking a serious toll on our military and National Guard.
This war was a strategic mistake, however Saddaam Hussein and his regime have been toppled, a representative government has been established, and the 9/11 Commission has conclusively reported that there was no link between Iraq and al Qaeda.  Nearly 4,000 soldiers have died in Iraq and the tens of thousands have been injured, while the world waits in vain for Iraqi politicians to come together. 
Our men and women in uniform have performed brilliantly to fight a war that has strained our military and National Guard to the breaking point.  It is time to insist that the Iraqi government take responsibility for Iraq and for America to start bringing our troops home."
