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The Oregon Health Plan

It may be for you


The Oregon Health Plan (OHP) offers health care to its members at little or no cost.


Are you eligible?


There are many ways that you may be eligible for OHP if you live in Oregon and are a U.S. citizen or an eligible non-citizen.


Different eligibility rules and income levels apply to different groups of people.


The level of coverage (benefit package) you receive is based on your income, age, and physical or mental condition. For example, eligible pregnant women and children under age 19 receive the highest level of coverage.


The Oregon Helps Web site can tell you whether your family might be able to get help from various state and federal assistance programs, including the Oregon Health Plan.


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How to apply


To receive an OHP application packet, call (1-800) 359-9517 or TTY: (1-800) 621-5260. You can also download an electronic version (in PDF format) of the OHP application packet by clicking here.


If you receive SSI, are eligible for Medicare, or are 65 years of age or older: Call your local Department of Human Services (DHS) or Area Agency on Aging (AAA) office, or (1-800) 282-8096 (voice and TTY) for more information about the OHP and other health care programs.


If you have a foster child and would like information about OHP: Contact your local DHS child welfare office or Oregon Youth Authority worker.


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You will need copies of ...


When you apply for the OHP, you will need to provide copies of the following (when applicable):

  • Proof of income
  • Proof of your non-citizen status
  • Proof of pregnancy and due date signed by a medical provider
  • Health insurance information, if any family member has other insurance (copy of insurance cards)
  • Proof of American Indian/Alaska Native status
  • A copy of your Student Aid Report that shows your Estimated Family Contribution and your Pell eligibility status

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What is covered?


The following services are examples of what may be covered by your benefit package:

  • Diagnosis (services to find out what is wrong)
  • Physician services
  • Check-ups (medical and dental)
  • Family planning services
  • Maternity, prenatal, and newborn care
  • Prescription services
  • Hospital services
  • Comfort care and hospice
  • Dental services
  • Alcohol/drug treatment
  • Mental health services

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What is not covered?

  • Treatment for conditions that get better on their own, like colds
  • Conditions that have no useful treatment
  • Treatments that are not generally effective
  • Cosmetic surgeries
  • Gender changes
  • Services to help you get pregnant
  • Weight loss programs

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Page updated: September 21, 2007

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