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POAM III Data Sets

The Polar Ozone and Aerosol Measurement (POAM) III instrument measures the vertical distribution of atmospheric ozone, water vapor, nitrogen dioxide, and aerosol extinction. The instrument was developed by the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL). POAM III was launched aboard the French SPOT-4 satellite in March 1998 into a Sun synchronous polar orbit.

The POAM III instrument has been in non-operational anomaly status since December 4, 2005.
Currently, efforts are continuing to recover the instrument.

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For convenience in ordering a specific data product, select the data set name in the data table below.

Data Set Name
(Select to order)
JPEG Images Parameter(s) Temporal Coverage Spatial Coverage Sensor
Northern Hemisphere
Southern Hemisphere
Ozone (O3),
Water Vapor (H2O),
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2),
Aerosol Extinction,
Potential Vorticity
04/22/1998 - 12/05/2005 Southern Hemisphere:
Min. Lat. -88.11
Max. Lat. -62.55

Northern Hemisphere:
Min. Lat. 54.68
Max. Lat. 71.01

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