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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

It is awe inspiring to meet with war veterans. They are brave men and women who have sacrificed to make our nation strong and to spread equality and liberty throughout the world.

On Memorial Day I was able to visit with veterans from World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan in three Nebraska cities. It was more than an opportunity to thank them for their service and to honor those who have given their lives in the service of our country. This was a fact finding mission.

Right now, young men and women, including 1600 Nebraskans, soon to be 2000, are risking their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan. As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and Ranking Member of the Sub-Committee on Personnel, it is my duty to make sure our troops have everything they need to fight the war and be as safe as possible as they fulfill their duties.

What better way to learn what they need than by meeting with troops in the field, which I have done several times in Iraq and Afghanistan and to visit with veterans when they come back home as I did Memorial Day.

We talked about retention in the National Guard and the need to continue upgrading equipment. One soldier pointed to an instance when his unit was short of body armor. He was aware that they got new equipment within months after the Senate passed a funding bill. That meant a great deal to me because I remember that vote and our intention to kick it into high gear so the troops would get their equipment quickly.

Most of us wouldn’t think that equipping our troops would ever be an issue but it is. Recently, the Senate approved a supplemental appropriations bill to cover costs associated with the war. It became controversial when a few senators slipped some unrelated projects into the bill causing other senators to vote against the entire bill because of these unrelated earmarks.

I didn’t like the unrelated earmarks either but I wasn’t about to grandstand and make this a political issue for the sake of being fiscally conservative. From 8 years as Governor and nearly 6 years as Senator, Nebraskans know that I’m as tight as 3 coats of paint when it comes to spending tax dollars.

It’s unfortunate that a few senators played games but the majority of us knew that we had to pass a bill to make sure our troops have what they need and it passed on a vote of 78 to 20. I’m glad I wasn’t one of those 20 who voted no. If I would have voted against funding the war, I don’t know how I could have looked those veterans in the eye on Memorial Day and told them I support them.

What I heard from those veterans on Memorial Day is to not let down. They’re fighting for us in Iraq and Afghanistan. I intend to continue to fight for them in Washington.


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