start a new watch

Learn more About Starting a
New Watch in Your Neighborhood.

Our nation is built on the strength of our citizens. Every day, we encounter situations calling upon us to be the eyes and ears of law enforcement. Not only does the Neighborhood Watch Program allow citizens to help in the fight against crime, it is also an opportunity for communities to bond through service.

Register A Program

Register Your Watch Group
in 5 Easy Steps:

The Neighborhood Watch Program draws upon the compassion of average citizens, asking them to lend their neighbors a hand. It is important for your watch group to record those efforts and help assist your local law enforcement agency by registering your group.

LAW EnforcEment Agency

Learn more Search for other Neighborhood Watch Groups or contact information for your agency.

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Welcome To

Neighborhood Watch is one of the oldest and best-known crime prevention concepts in North America. In the late 1960s, an increase in crime heightened the need for a crime prevention initiative focused on residential areas and involving local citizens. The National Sheriffs' Association (NSA) responded, creating the National Neighborhood Watch Program in 1972 to assist citizens and law enforcement.

In 2002, the NSA in partnership with USA Freedom Corps, Citizen Corps and the U.S. Department of Justice launched USAonWatch®, the face of the revitalized National Neighborhood Watch initiative, which represents the expanded role of watch programs beyond their traditional crime prevention role to help neighborhoods focus on disaster preparedness, emergency response and so much more.

USAonWatch® empowers citizens to become active in community efforts through participation in Neighborhood Watch groups. The goal of this site is to provide information, technical support and resources to local law enforcement agencies and citizens.

In Partnership With...

NSA - BJA -- Bureau of Justice Assistance U.S. Department of Justice NSA BJA -- Bureau of Justice Assistance U.S. Department of Justice

Featured Events


NW Toolkit Training Butte, MT

This training is designed to build the capacity of law enforcement officers assigned to work with community groups by providing specific instruction on the Neighborhood Watch Toolkit.
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Neighborhood Watch Training Oshkosh, WI

This training is designed to build the capacity of law enforcement officers assigned to work with community groups by providing specific instruction on the Neighborhood Watch Toolkit. The course will increase participants’ skill levels by teaching them the proper utilization of the tools and the most effective methods of maximizing the Toolkit’s value for their citizens and communities. The training is intended to be interactive and applicable to participants with all levels of Neighborhood Watch experience.
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© Copyrighted - This website is funded in part by the National Sheriffs’ Association, through a grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. Neither the U.S. Department of Justice nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse, the web site (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided).
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