Congressman Scott Garrett Proudly Serving the 5th District Of New Jersey



Scott Garrett has long been a strong advocate for the environment. As an active member of the Congressional Wildlife Refuge Caucus, as well as the Land Conservation Caucus, Garrett has a strong record as a supporter of environmental protection, taking the following actions during the 110th Congress alone:

  • Introduced Legislation to Expand the National Wallkill Wildlife Refuge
  • Cosponsored (original) H.R. 189, the Paterson Great Falls National Historical Park Act
  • Wrote letter to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding Ringwood Biola Testing
  • Signed letter to Interior Appropriations Committee regarding EPA rural water budget
  • Signed letter to Secretary of Interior Kempthorne regarding Highlands Funding
  • Signed letter to Interior Appropriations Committee regarding Highlands Funding
  • Signed letter to Interior Appropriations Committee regarding Land and Water Conservation Fund
  • Signed letter to Delaware River Basin Commission regarding flood prevention
  • Wrote letter to Interior Appropriations Committee leadership recommending the testimony of Marie Springer, President of Friends of the Wallkill River
  • Recognized by the Audubon Society for his support of a long-term, dedicated funding source to prevent wildlife from becoming endangered
  • Wrote letter to Fish and Wildlife Service on behalf of the Wallkill River National Wildlife Refuge
  • Wrote letter to Sussex mayors and councilmen regarding the Wallkill River National Wildlife Refuge open comment period
  • Signed letter to Interior Appropriations subcommittee requesting $2.746 million for the Eastern Partnership Wild and Scenic Rivers
  • Signed letter to Delaware River Basin Commission regarding Special Protection Waters designation

Garrett also requested $2,461,000 in Fiscal Year 2008 (FY08) to acquire 1,000 acres in Sussex County for the Forest Legacy Program in Sparta Mountain South. In FY09, Rep. Garrett made an appropriations request for Delaware Water Gap Land Acquisition of 91.5 acres that are completely surrounded by Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area (DWGNRA) lands. This acreage is one of the highest priorities for acquisition by the National Park Service because it will preserve biodiversity and make administration of the DWGNRA more efficient.

Garrett’s efforts in the 110th Congress are only the latest in a strong history of environmental support. His legislation to include portions of the Musconetcong River in the National Wild and Scenic Rivers program received broad support from all members of the New Jersey delegation, 18 municipalities along the river, the National Park Service and was signed into law by the President. Designating these segments of the Musconetcong River preserves and protects farmland and open space, as well as the character of archaeological sites and historic structures, districts, sites and landscapes in the river corridor. It also restores and enhances the outstanding natural resources in the river corridor and the watershed, including rare and endangered species, forests, steep slopes, floodplains, headwaters and wetlands.

He has also been a strong supporter of the Ridgewood Open Space Committee’s efforts to preserve that community’s opens spaces, specifically their requested technical support from the National Parks Service Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program to study the feasibility of a two mile, multi-use trail through the Village of Ridgewood.

Garrett has also spoken out against the closure of High Point State Park, stating publicly that State Parks perform the invaluable task of protecting and preserving our nation’s natural resources and wildlife, and the elimination of one park will negatively affect the entire state.

Finally, Garrett has been a strong supporter of clean-up efforts in Ringwood, New Jersey, helping to get it returned to the Superfund National Priorities List and to ensure that the health and safety of Ringwood residents is always paramount. He was instrumental in having the site re-listed on the EPA’s Superfund list, which provides much-needed federal funds to speed cleanup of the site.  He wants to ensure that Ringwood gets the resources and attention it needs to ensure that clean-up this time is complete and final.

Related Documents:

Press Release - Garrett Amendment for Natural Resources Conservation Service Passes House 7.9.2009

Press Release - Garrett Amendment for Highland Conservation Fund Passes House 6.26.2009

Press Release - Garrett Statement on the National Energy Tax 6.26.2009

Newsletter - SPECIAL UPDATE: Garrett Opposes National Energy Tax 6.26.2009

Newsletter - Fish and Wildlife Grants Available 6.22.2009

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