FDIC, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Office of Inspector General, core values: communication, objectivity, responsibility, excellence
FDIC.GOV Office of Inspector General core values: communication, objectivity, responsibility, excellence
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OIG Core Values: Drive and Inspire Us

Core Value: Communication
Strive for open and honest communication among our people, and with customers and stake holders.

Build responsive relationships with corporate officials based on shared committment to improving program and operational effectiveness.

Core Value: Objectivity
Maintain personal, external, and organizational independence so that our opinions, conclusions, and recommendations are impartial.

Exercise objective and unbiased judgement when conducting and reporting on our work.

Core Value: Responsibility
Ensure all OIG employees understand expectations

Believe OIG employees are responsible and accountable for their actions.

Respect our employees- they are important, trusted, and the key to continued improvement of all services to our customers.

Core Value: Excellence
Seek quality products and services.

Produce reports that are accurate, fair, and useful to customers.

Learn from the past, anticipate and prepare for the future.

React and adapt to a changing environment to achieve and maintain expected levels of excellence.

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Last updated 12/18/2003