6.16.09   •   Focus: A Strong Case for Immediate Action on Global Warming

A new report released at the White House today by America's top climate scientists paints a stark picture of an America already beset by global warming, with more severe impacts to come if we do not cut the carbon pollution causing the problem.

The report, Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States, written by the United States Global Change Research Program, is based on more than a dozen other national scientific synthesis reports along with others, including the Nobel Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports.

Key Findings and Future Projections Impact All Regions of the US:

News Stories & Opinion Pieces

THE HILL [Op-Ed by Rep. Bobby L. Rush (D-IL)]: ACES Act lays solid foundation for nation's clean-energy future

This bill addresses another one of my top priorities by providing new opportunities for quality, career-oriented jobs for low-income communities, as well as funding for minority- and women-owned businesses. The inclusion of the Low-Income Community Energy Efficiency Program (LICEEP), which was an amendment I offered that was adopted unanimously in the committee, will provide grants to mission-driven community development organizations as a means to increase the flow of capital and technical assistance to low-income communities, as well as minority- and women-owned businesses.

THE HILL [Op-Ed by Rep. G.K. Butterfield (D-NC)]:Poorest Americans, contributing least to climate change, will not be hurt by legislation to rectify

Most importantly, the poorest Americans, who contributed least to this problem and are least able to endure any increases in costs, are held harmless. The 15 percent of allowance value devoted to these struggling households guarantees the recoupment of any lost purchasing power, and does not phase out over the 40-year life of the program.

Low-income households spend considerably more on energy as a percentage of total income than the average household.

Our goal in the consideration of this legislation was to lower greenhouse gases, bring sustainable new jobs to America, and aid the consumer, and particularly low- and moderate-income consumers who have contributed the least to the problem.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Government Study Warns of Climate Change Effects

The impact of global warming is expected to become more severe in coming years, the report says, affecting farms and forests, coastlines and floodplains, water and energy supplies, transportation and human health.

The study also cites an increase in drought in the Southwest and more intense heat waves in the Northeast as a result of growing concentrations of carbon dioxide and other climate-altering gases in the atmosphere.

Reduced mountain snowpack means earlier melt-offs and reduced stream volumes across the West and Northwest, affecting residential and agricultural water supplies, habitats for spawning fish and reduced hydroelectric power generation, the study found.

NEWS & OBSERVER: Green jobs growing swiftly

"Clean energy is job-creating opportunities for our nation," U.S. Rep. Larry Kissell, a North Carolina Democrat, said in a conference call about the report. "We don't know the opportunities that will be available with new ideas. We're Americans, the most creative, innovative entrepreneurs in the world."

REVIEW JOURNAL: Nevada clean energy thrives

Nevada benefits from some of the nation's best solar energy and geothermal energy, he said. Geothermal energy comes from hot underground water and steam.

KNOXVILLE NEWS SENTINEL: Tennessee third in clean energy jobs

Tennessee is on the forefront of clean energy job creation - long before two major solar manufacturers coming to the state have hired their first employees.

TAMPA BAY BUSINESS JOURNAL: Kathy Castor: Clean energy jobs come at 'critical time'

A report on $85 billion in stimulus funding slated for direct spending on and tax incentives for energy and transportation programs prompted Congresswoman Kathy Castor, D-Tampa, to review the importance of clean energy jobs to Florida’s economy.

REUTERS: U.S. report to press case for quick moves on climate

Among the January draft's key findings:

TC PALM: Eric Draper, pro-con: Do you support cap-and-trade legislation? Yes

Why is it urgent that the nation deal with energy and climate change? The bill’s title says much: Clean energy means security for Florida’s economy and environment. Our low-lying coastal areas are vulnerable to saltwater intruding into our estuaries and drinking water aquifers. Sea level rise threatens our beaches. And more extreme weather events, such as droughts and intense storms can result in lost agricultural production and higher insurance rates.

USA TODAY: Gas prices rise for 48th day, but oil sells off

Gasoline prices rose Monday for the 48th straight day with prices now up nearly two-thirds since the beginning of the year even as demand from motorists remains weak.

MICHGAN BUSINESS INNOVATION: Dow Chemical CEO and Ford chairman: Manufacturing base is critical to new energy technologies

Pursuing clean energy technologies and preserving America's manufacturing base are not mutually exclusive objectives, executives said this morning at the National Summit in downtown Detroit.

Dow Chemical CEO Andrew Liveris and Ford Motor Co. executive chairman Bill Ford Jr. called for the U.S. to form a cohesive industrial policy and to invest in alternative energy.

"We have an opportunity to preserve the environment and our manufacturing base by applying breakthrough technologies to create energy-efficient products and processes," Ford said.

CHICAGO TRIBUNE: Illinois wind farms bought by Irish energy company

Three Illinois wind farms within 100 miles of Chicago were acquired Monday by an Irish energy company making its first U.S. investment amid hopes that President Barack Obama's economic stimulus package will bolster the renewable energy business.

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES: U.S. western states gain key support for renewable energy

"Governors have shown a commitment to addressing the critical issue of climate change and the challenges it presents to state and local governments," said Nancy Sutley, Chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality on a statement.

Among the actions taken today, the DOE announced:

The DOA announced $57 million to fund 30 biomass projects including wood-to-energy grants and biomass utilization.

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