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Financial Crimes Enforcement Network


Issued: August 30, 2007
Subject: FinCEN Issues a Warning Notice Against Fraudulent Stop Order Scams

FinCEN Issues a Warning Notice Against Fraudulent Stop Order Scams

The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) announced today the issuance of a warning notice about an ongoing scam whereby individuals are using the Treasury or the FinCEN seal and fraudulently identifying themselves as Directors or Deputy Directors of FinCEN.

The letters inform potential victims that an automatic stop order has been placed on a large sum of money that is being transferred to that person. Intended victims are told that a "Clean Report on Fund" is required to obtain the funds being held. These letters instruct the potential victims to pay an Agent Broker a fee to obtain a "Clean Report on Funds," so that the funds will be cleared and not confiscated by the "United States Treasury International Monetary Fund Policy." Please be advised that these letters were NOT sent by FinCEN and they represent a fraudulent attempt to elicit funds.

FinCEN does not contact consumers to inform them of automatic stop orders being placed on funds, nor does FinCEN request "Clean Reports on Fund" for funds transfers. Consumers should NOT provide any information nor send any funds, to any address indicated in these letters. Further, consumers should NOT follow any instructions contained in these letters to access their accounts on-line. In addition, there are letters being circulated that claim that FinCEN is freezing assets and/or endorsing investment schemes. FinCEN does NOT have authority to freeze assets and does NOT endorse investment schemes. In addition, these letters may purport to be from an overseas office of FinCEN. FinCEN does not have any offices outside of the United States.

FinCEN is working closely with law enforcement agencies to identify the source of these letters and disrupt these scams. Until this is accomplished, if consumers receive any letters like those described in this warning, or experience any similar attempts to obtain account information or funds, they are requested to notify their state, local, and or federal law enforcement agency.

If you receive one of these letters, do not send money or provide any personal or confidential information to these individuals. This is an attempt to defraud you.

If you have received one of these letters and have been corresponding with any individuals involved or, suspect you have been victimized by a 419 Nigerian scam and/or have information that would help authorities negate theses fraudulent activities, FinCEN advises you to do the following:

(1) Contact your local FBI office at or submit a tip to the FBI electronically at Contact telephone numbers are available on the FBI website and are also located on the inside cover of your local telephone directory.

(2) Contact your local Secret Service field office at Contact telephone numbers are available on the Secret Service website and are located on the inside cover of your local telephone directory.

For additional information about 419 scams and other frauds and scams, please see the above-listed contact information.

Attached is a sample letter of this scam.