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Contact: Jessica R. Towhey, Press Secretary

Boehner: Democrats Block Key Missile Defense Funding to Protect American Troops, Citizens

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Jun 25, 2009


Congressman John Boehner (R-West Chester) issued the following statement after House passage of the Fiscal Year 2010 National Defense Authorization Act and House Democrats’ move to block key missile defense funding to protect American troops and citizens:

“Our troops defend our freedom each and every day, and they deserve strong bipartisan support in Congress as we take the fight to the terrorists and other threats to America and our allies.  I am pleased Congress has again given this legislation strong support on both sides of the aisle.

“I am disappointed that Democrats blocked a Republican proposal to restore critical missile defense funding that would strengthen our defense against threats from North Korea and other rogue regimes who want to harm our troops and our citizens.  North Korea’s ongoing brazen acts of aggression must strengthen our resolve for a comprehensive missile defense system, capable of protecting our military personnel deployed in our country’s defense as well as our families here at home.  I urge President Obama and Democrats in Congress to reconsider their opposition to this important part of a strong national security strategy.”

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