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RUC Model Forecasts Latest image
Current RUC SL Pressure/Precipitation Forecast

This directory contains contour plots of data from the RUC (the Rapid Update Cycle) forecast model. The output fields are the same as the ETA so that results of the two models can be compared so you can make the best estimate of the true forecast. This model gives forecast information out to 12 hours and plots are sorted into 5 directories for the initial observed fields, 3, 6, 9, and 12 hour forecast fields. These plots are updated once every 12 hours at roughly 10:45 EST.

RUC Analyses
These charts display RUC analyses.

RUC 4 Panel Forecasts
These 4 panel charts displays the conditions at 4 forecast times for a particular plot type. The upper left panel is the 3 hour forecast, the upper right is the 6 hour forecast, the lower left is the 9 hour forecast and the lower right is the 12 hour forecast.

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RUC Analyses
SL Pressure/Precip Plot
1000 mb Plot
850 mb Plot
700 mb Plot
500 mb Plot
300 mb Plot
Rel Hum/Show Index Plot
RUC 4 Panel Forecasts
SL Pressure/Precip Plot
1000 mb Plot
850 mb Plot
700 mb Plot
500 mb Plot
300 mb Plot
Rel Hum/Show Index Plot
Update Status
© Unisys Corp. 2005
- For questions and information on this server, NOAAPORT and WXP, contact Dan Vietor at devo@ks.unisys.com
- For sales information on Unisys weather solutions, contact Robert Benedict at robert.benedict@unisys.com

- Last modified January 26, 2006