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EO-1 (Earth Observing-1)

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ALI Sample Image of Mt Fuji, Japan

ALI sample image
6,5,4 (RGB)
(Mt Fuji, Japan)

Hyperion Sample Image of Mt Fuji, Japan

Hyperion sample image
215,54,18 (RGB)
(Mt Fuji, Japan)

Product Description

The Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) satellite was launched November 21, 2000 as a one-year technology demonstration/validation mission. After the initial technology mission was completed, NASA and the USGS agreed to the continuation of the EO-1 program as an Extended Mission. The EO-1 Extended Mission is chartered to collect and distribute Hyperion hyperspectral and Advanced Land Imager (ALI) multispectral products according to customer tasking requests.

There are three instruments on board the EO-1 spacecraft:

The following products and services are available:

All Hyperion and Advanced Land Imager (ALI) data in the archive will be attempted to be processed to the Level 1Gst level of correction. If the scene fails the Level 1Gst processing level, it will be removed from the archive and will become unavailable. As of June 15th, 2009, not all of the EO-1 data has been processed; please continue to check back if the scene of your interest is not available. We will be making attempts to process the failed scene as time and workload permits; however there are no guarantees that all of the EO-1 scenes will be able to be processed.

Map projection UTM (default zone of the scene center coordinates)
Horizontal Datum WGS84
Resampling method CC (cubic convolution)
Image orientation Map (north up)
Pixel size 30 meter (10 meter pan band)
Format GeoTIFF
Output media Download (no charge)

Level 1Gst: Absolute Geodetic Accuracy Specification

The Level 1Gst product will also include terrain correction through use of a digital elevation model (DEM). This addition will correct parallax error due to topographic relief and improve the overall band-to-band registration accuracy. The elevation data used for correction consist of the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) "Finished" data set and other elevation data as required.

Additional Information:

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Search & Download

Data Products

All publicly available data products (ALI and Hyperion) may be searched and downloaded on Earth Explorer or GloVis. Please note that EO-1 does not acquire data continuously and its sensors are only activated to collect specific scenes upon request. Many locations may therefore not be available.

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All EO-1 archived product images should be previewed prior to download. Browse images of all available scenes may be viewed by searching on EarthExplorer. For an alternative "quick and easy" browse image viewer, see GloVis.

Each Advanced Land Imager (ALI) browse image is generated from the Level 1 data and displayed as a 4,3,1 (RGB) band combination. Each band is linearly stretched between the 1% and 97% histogram values. The data is also reduced by a factor of 8 in each direction and jpeg compressed with a quality of 75%.

Each Hyperion browse image is created from the Level 0 (raw) data and displayed as a RGB (40:31:13) band combination. Hyperion browses have had the dark calibration subtracted and the gains have been applied. Each band is linearly stretched between the 1% and 97% histogram values. The data is then scaled from 12 bits to 8 bits. Finally, the data is reduced by a factor of 4 in each direction and jpeg compressed with a quality of 75%.

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