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Wheels4Wellness Bikes Become a Permanent Fixture on the House Campus

Program offers House employees free, convenient alternative transportation that benefits their health

After a successful trial period, the Wheels4Wellness bike sharing program will continue to serve House employees who want an alternative transportation option that benefits their health.

“We’re thrilled that so many employees took advantage of this benefit,” said Chief Administrative Officer Dan Beard, who is executing the program. “We hope that the bikes will be a part of a healthier, more eco-conscious landscape here at the House.”

The pilot program, initiated in July 2008, proved to be a worthwhile benefit for some 175 House staff members who checked out 300 bikes to travel to meetings or to more efficiently run Congressional errands.

“The demanding schedules and long hours many House employees face often makes physical exercise an unexercised afterthought. The Wheels4Wellness program goes a long way in addressing the issue and improving our employees’ work-life balance,” said CAO Senior Advisor Kathy Wyszynski.

The programs 30 bikes are available in six locations, including the parking lots near the Cannon (Lot 1), Rayburn (Lot 4) and the Ford House Office Buildings (Lot 9).

House employees can sign up for the free program at First Call (B-227 Longworth). Participants must return and lock W4W bikes to any of the three W4W locations and return the key to First Call (B-227 Longworth HOB) or CAO Human Resources (H2-102 Ford HOB) within 24 hours of checkout.

For more information contact:
Jeff Ventura
Director of Communications
Office of the Chief Administrative Officer
202-360-0450 (BlackBerry)