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World Road Association (PIARC)

Founded in 1909, the World Road Association (PIARC) is an international forum in the road sector whose goal is to enhance a better global road community in order to promote economic growth and social welfare.

The U.S. is a member of the World Road Association (PIARC) and is represented by delegates from the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and State DOT representatives, through the American Association of State Highway Officials (AASHTO). Under NCHRP Project 20-36 "Highway Research and Technology - International Information Sharing," funds are provided to support state DOT delegates' travel to attend PIARC Committee meetings while FHWA funds the travel of U.S. DOT delegates.

U.S. PIARC participation gives the U.S. intelligence on the most recent technical and policy developments in road field originating abroad. It is also a good channel for communicating U.S. developments to the rest of the world.

More on PIARC

PIARC operates on a four-year cycle with a strategic plan comprised of up to four theme areas. These themes are the broad fields of activities defined in PIARC's Strategic Plan and which, a Strategic Theme Coordinator oversees. The themes embrace the work of a number of technical committees, who have the task of carrying out studies in a defined subject area on technical topics. FHWA is responsible for coordination of Strategic Theme C, which has as its theme, "Safety of the Road System." The themes comprising the PIARC Strategic Plan for the 2008-2011 quadrennial will consisted of:

  • Strategic Theme A: Sustainability of the Road Transport System,
  • Strategic Theme B: Improving Provision of Services,
  • Strategic Theme C: Safety of the Road System; and,
  • Strategic Theme D: Quality of Road Infrastructure

The work of each Strategic Theme is carried out by Technical Committees. The Technical Committees under Strategic Theme C consist of:

  • Technical Committee C.1 Safer Road Infrastructure
  • Technical Committee C.2 Safer Road Operations
  • Technical Committee C.3 Managing Operational Risk in National and International Road Operations
  • Technical Committee C.4 Road Tunnel Operations
PIARC Mexico logo

Every four years, PIARC sponsors two types of congresses: the World Road Association Congress and the International Winter Road Congress. Both meet in a member country to enable members to share techniques and experiences in the field of road infrastructures and road transport and to showcase the key accomplishments and findings of its technical committees. In 2010 it will be Quebec, Canada's turn to welcome the Winter Road Congress.

Since the first World Road Congress held in Paris in 1908, PIARC organizes every four years in a member country a World Road Congress with the aim of sharing techniques and experiences worldwide in the field of road infrastructures and road transport. The next World Congress will be held in Mexico City on 26-30 September 2011.

XIII International Winter Road Congress

Québec City, will host the World Road Association's XIII International Winter Road Congress, from February 8 to 11, 2010. The Winter Road congress is held every 4 years and this Congress will be the first to take place in North America.

Some 1 500 road administrators, experts, and exhibitors from around the world are expected to participate in the Congress. The theme will be "Sustainable Winter Service for Road Users." Quebec City, long known for its winter carnival will prove to be an ideal venue to experience winter.

The program contains, among other things, plenary and technical sessions, an exhibition, technical visits and the first ever international snow plow championship.

A registration for exhibitors is already open, and registration for participants is scheduled to begin on June 1st of this year.

For full programming details, please visit You will find all of the information you need about the Congress.


More Information


Ed Rodriguez
Office of International Programs

This page last modified on 06/01/09

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration