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Times have changed with job-searching, and there are numerous websites now available that post jobs for private industry. Many companies also offer a way to apply online. However, these sites do not replace traditional and proven job-hunting approaches such as networking, personal contacts, business organizations and interviewing.

Employment Agencies

If you're looking for a job, you might come across ads from employment agencies that promise wonderful opportunities. While some companies honestly want to help you, others are more interested in taking your money. Be wary of:

  • Promises to get you a job and a guaranteed income
  • Upfront fees, even when you are guaranteed a refund if you are dissatisfied
  • Employment agencies whose ads read like job ads
  • Promotions of "previously undisclosed" government jobs. All federal jobs are announced to the public on the USAJOBS website.

Get a copy of the employment agency contract and review it carefully before you pay any money. Check with your local consumer protection agency and the Better Business Bureau to see if any complaints have been filed about a company.

The Federal Trade Commission sues businesses that fraudulently advertise employment openings and guarantee job placement. Contact the FTC if you have a complaint.

Consumer News
Seven Tips for Students with a Summer Job
BBB Warns Against Twitter Money-Making Schemes
U.S. Labor Department Publishes Process to Appeal Denials of COBRA Subsidy Under American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

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Feature Links
FTC- Job scams
File a Fair Pay Complaint
FINDING A JOB - Facts for Consumers
Avoiding Online Job Scams
The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993

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