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Federal law does not cover short-term car and truck rentals, but some state laws do. Contact your state or local consumer protection office for information or to file a complaint.

  • Ask in advance if there are any charges besides the stated rental fee. There may be an airport surcharge or drop-off fees, insurance fees, fuel charges, mileage fees, taxes, additional-driver fees, under aged-driver fees, and equipment rental fees (for items such as ski racks and car seats).
  • Ask if the rental company checks the driving records of customers when they arrive at the counter. If so, you could be rejected even if you have a confirmed reservation.
  • Check in advance to be sure you aren't duplicating insurance coverage. If you're traveling on business, your employer might have insurance that covers damage to the vehicle if you are in an accident. You might also have coverage through your personal auto insurance, a motor club membership, or the credit card you used to reserve the rental.
  • Carefully inspect the vehicle and its tires before renting.
  • Check refueling policies and charges.
  • Ask the rental company if a deposit is required. If so, ask for a clear explanation of the deposit refund procedures.
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