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New Mexico is rapidly becoming one of the hottest places to relocate a business. The New Mexico Partnership is committed to partnering with you to ensure your success. We provide all the necessary information and assistance for you to make an informed site location decision -- and succeed into the future.

This is a land proud of its heritage, proud of its history and lifestyle. It is a place of stunning beauty, contrasting landscapes and complementary cultures. Its hardworking, educated people are committed to the State’s success. And the State is committed to the success of its citizens.

We are also committed to growing strong, sustainable businesses. We have a portfolio of incentives, tax benefits and other programs that stand behind our commitment, including one of the most aggressive job training programs in the nation. New Mexico’s communities are not only great places to live and work; they are great places to have a life, surrounded as they are by a variety of cultural and recreational opportunities, from Robert Trent Jones golf courses through Class V rapids to ancient Anasazi ruins.

New Mexico is financially stable and action-oriented to the highest levels of government, with a strong business culture and infrastructure. It’s an exciting location to do business, whether that business is producing movies, improving drug delivery systems, pioneering space tourism, thinking up new things to do with chile or designing precision tools.

You can, and you will, make it in New Mexico. The New Mexico Economic Development Partnership makes it happen.


Number one lowest "overall cost of doing business."
     North American Business Cost Review &
Ranked in the Top 10 locations for manufacturing.
     Business Facilities Magazine
Energy Costs 5 % below national average and 19% below regional average.
     Department of Energy
14th least expensive state for worker’s compensation.
     Business Facilities Magazine
Las Cruces earned 2nd place in small metro areas for “Best Places for Business.”
     Forbes Magazines