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Official Seal of the Federal Maritime Comission


Any interested person may request a legal opinion from the General Counsel.  Such an opinion can provide guidance on discrete areas within the shipping laws that have not yet been addressed by the Commission itself, and usually results in a narrowly tailored response to a specific set of facts.  However, a legal opinion from the General Counsel is not a judgment of the Commission, and does not bind the Commission in any subsequent case.  The General Counsel will not issue legal opinions on matters that are currently before the Commission.

A request for a legal opinion should be in writing, and should contain a detailed
narrative of the specific facts or circumstances about which an opinion is sought.  Requests may be sent by fax to (202) 523-5738, or by mail to:

Office of the General Counsel
Federal Maritime Commission
800 North Capitol Street NW
Washington, D.C.  20573
