Message from the Chairman:

          Thank you for visiting the website of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Since the Committee’s founding in 1816, it has played a vital role in shaping U.S. foreign policy, from approving the purchase of Alaska in 1867 to the creation of the United Nations in 1945 to the present day.

          This committee is responsible for overseeing the foreign policy agencies of the U.S. government, including the State Department, the U.S. Agency for International Development, the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and the Peace Corps. The Committee reviews and considers all diplomatic nominations and international treaties, as well as legislation relating to U.S. foreign policy.

           In the coming months and years, the Foreign Relations Committee will address some of the most pressing challenges this nation faces. America faces momentous challenges such as climate change, the spread of nuclear weapons, global terrorism, and an unfolding financial crisis with global implications. Senator Lugar and I are dedicated to making the committee a vital forum for a spirited exchange of ideas. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee has historically been a place for bipartisanship – a place where both parties and all members come together to advance America’s interests in the world. I am confident that the 111th Congress will reinforce and build on that legacy. I hope you find this website useful. Come back often!


          John F. Kerry.