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Biology - Invasive Species Program

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Monitoring and Forecasting of Invasive Species

The Invasive Species Program assesses changes in populations and distributions of established invaders.  As part of their strategic plan, they strive to:

  • Apply of cost effective methodologies for statistically reliable monitoring of the spread of invasive species in U.S. ecosystems (in cooperation with the Status and Trends Program),
  • Integrate use of historical occurrence records, remote sensing and global positioning system (GPS) technologies, improved field sampling methods, and GIS to document spatial and temporal patterns of expanding invasions at site, landscape, and regional scales,
  • Develop methods for systematic observations of invader populations to understand factors influencing the lag period - sometimes spanning many decades - between the initial establishment of a free living population and the appearance of invasions at landscape and regional scales,
  • Develop methods for monitoring the effectiveness of measures to reduce or eliminate invasive species populations and to restore native communities.

Below is a sampling of research conducted in USGS Science Centers that deal with Monitoring and Forecasting of Invasive Species:



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