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Fishery Bulletin 90(3) Contents

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Baker, C. Scott, Janice M. Straley, and Anjanette Perry
Population characteristics of individually identified humpback whales in southeastern Alaska: Summer and fall 1986

Bradford, Michael J.
Precision of recruitment predictions from early life stages of marine fishes

Feeney, Richard F.
Post-yolksac larval development of two southern California sculpins, Clinocottus analis and Orthonopias triacis (Pisces: Cottidae)

Graves, John E., Jan R. McDowell, and M. Lisa Jones
A genetic analysis of weakfish Cynoscion regalis stock structure along the mid-Atlantic coast

Moffitt, Robert B., and Frank A. Parrish
An assessment of the exploitable biomass of Heterocarpus laevigatus in the main Hawaiian Islands. Part 2: Observations from a submersible

Polovina, Jeffrey J., and Gary T. Mitchum
Variability in spiny lobster Panulirus marginatus recruitment and sea level in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands

Ralston, Stephen, and Darryl T. Tagami
An assessment of the exploitable biomass of Heterocarpus laevigatus in the main Hawaiian Islands. Part 1: Trapping surveys, depletion experiment, and length structure

Reilly, Carol A., Tina Wyllie Echeverria, and Stephen Ralston
Interannual variation and overlap in the diets of pelagic juvenile rockfish (Genus: Sebastes) off central California

Sadovy, Yvonne, Miguel Figuerola, and Ana Roman
Age and growth of red hind Epinephelus guttatus in Puerto Rico and St. Thomas

Sogard, Susan M., Kenneth W. Able, and Michael P. Fahay
Early life history of the tautog Tautoga onitis in the Mid-Atlantic Bight

Stein, David L., Brian N. Tissot, Mark A. Hixon, and William Barss
Fish-habitat associations on a deep reef at the edge of the Oregon continental shelf

Thompson, Grant G.
Management advice from a simple dynamic pool model

Thompson, Grant G.
A Bayesian approach to management advice when stock-recruitment parameters are uncertain

Walker, H.J. Jr., and Keith W. Radford
Eastern Pacific species of the genus Umbrina (Pisces: Sciaenidae) with a description of a new species

Weinrich, Mason T., Richard H. Lambertson, Cynthia R. Belt, Mark R. Schilling, Heidi J. Iken, and Stephen E. Syrjala
Behavioral reactions of humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae to biopsy procedures

Wigley, Susen E., and Fredric M. Serchuk
Spatial and temporal distribution of juvenile Atlantic cod Gadus morhua in the Georges Bank-Southern New England region

Zuniga, Humberto N., and Enzo S. Acuna
Larval development of two sympatric flounders, Paralichthys adspersus (Steindachner, 1867) and Paralichthys microps (Gunther, 1881), from the Bay of Coquimbo, Chile


Campbell, R. Page, Terry J. Cody, C.E. Bryan, Gary C. Matlock, Maury F. Osborn, and Albert W. Green
An estimate of the tag-reporting rate of commercial shrimpers in two Texas bays

Edwards, Elizabeth F., and Peter C. Perkins
Power to detect linear trends in dolphin abundance: Estimates from tuna-vessel observer data, 1975-89

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