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Fishery Bulletin 77(3) Contents

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Hubbs, Carl L., and Robert L. Wisner
Revision of the sauries (Pisces, Scomberesocidae) with descriptions of two new genera and one new species

Johnson, John Kenneth
Effects of temperature and salinity on production and hatching of dormant eggs of Acartia californiensis (Copepoda) in an Oregon estuary

Barham, Eric G., Jay C. Sweeney, Stephen Leatherwood, Robert K. Beggs, and Cecilia L. Barham
Aerial census of the bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus, in a region of the Texas coast

Weihs, Daniel
Energetic significance of changes in swimming modes during growth of larval anchovy, Engraulis mordax

Prezant, Robert S.
An antipredation mechanism of the polychaete Phyllodoce mucosa with notes on similar mechanisms in other potential prey

Scarnecchia, Dennis L., and Harry H. Wagner
Contribution of wild and hatchery-reared coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, to the Oregon ocean sport fishery

Haynes, Evan
Larval morphology of Pandalus tridens and a summary of the principal morphological characteristics of North Pacific pandalid shrimp larvae

Hunter, J. Roe, and Stephen R. Goldberg
Spawning incidence and batch fecundity in northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax

Healey, M. C.
Utilization of the Nanaimo River estuary by juvenile chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha

Judkins, David C., Creighton D. Wirick, and Wayne E. Esaias
Composition, abundance, and distribution of zooplankton in the New York Bight, September 1974-September 1975

Krouse, Jay S.
Distribution and catch composition of Jonah crab, Cancer borealis, and rock crab, Cancer irroratus, near Boothbay Harbor, Maine


Schlieder, Rodric A.
Effects of desiccation and autospasy on egg hatching success in stone crab, Menippe mercenaria


Howe, Kevin M., David L. Stein, and Carl E. Bond
First records off Oregon of the pelagic fishes Paralepis atlantica, Gonostoma atlanticum, and Aphanopus carbo, with notes on the anatomy of Aphanopus carbo

Buckley, L. J.
Changes in ribonucleic acid, deoxyribonucleic acid, and protein content during ontogenesis in winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus, and effect of starvation

Scherer, Michael D., and Donald W. Bourne
Eggs and early larvae of small mouth flounder, Etropus microstomus

Lancraft, Thomas M., and Bruce H. Robison
Evidence of postcapture ingestion by midwater fishes in trawl nets

Errata for above paper

Newkirk, G. F., and D. L. Waugh
Inhibitory effect of the alga Pavlova lutherii on growth of mussel, Mytilus edulis, larvae

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