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NARSTO EPA_SS_ATLANTA 1999 Air Chemistry, Particulate Matter, and Met Data

Table of Contents:

  1. Data Set Description
  2. Sample Data Record/Data Format
  3. References
  4. Contact Information
  5. Acknowledgement

1. Data Set Description:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) selected Atlanta as one of the first Supersites Programs dedicated to the study of fine particles (or PM2.5). The Southern Oxidants Study (SOS) in conjunction with the Georgia Institute of Technology, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Department developed and implemented the scientific research plan for this initial Supersites Program effort.

The Atlanta field experiment was a 4-week long campaign aimed at comprehensively addressing issues related to the measurement and characterization of fine particles in the polluted or urban atmosphere. The experiment took place during the August 1999 and deployed a wide array of instrumentation at a measurement site located on Jefferson Street in Midtown Atlanta.

Goals of the Atlanta Supersite Program were twofold: first, to provide a platform for testing and contrasting some of the newer particle measurement techniques, and second, to provide data to advance our scientific understanding of atmospheric processes regarding atmospheric particles.

Specific objectives were: (1) to characterize the performance of emerging and/or state-of-the-science PM Measurements; (2) to compare and contrast similar and dissimilar PM Measurements; (3) to evaluate the precision, accuracy, and completeness of information that can be gained from the planned EPA PM mass and chemical composition networks; (4) to evaluate the scientific information gained by combining various independent and complementary PM Measurements; and (5) to address various scientific issues and their ozone- and PM-related policy implications with this data base.

More information about the Atlanta Supersite can be found in the accompanying documentation and referenced publications.

The data set should be cited as follows:
Solomon, Paul, William L.Chameides, Ellis Cowling, James Meagher. 2002. NARSTO EPA_SS_ATLANTA 1999 Air Chemistry, Particulate Matter, and Met Data. Available on-line ( at the Atmospheric Science Data Center at NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, U.S.A.

2. Sample Data Record/Data Format:

There are 38 data files included in this data set. These data files are in the NARSTO Data Exchange Standard (DES) format. The DES format uses ASCII tabular data files with structured numerical and character data and metadata fields of varying length separated by commas (i.e., *.csv). The most recent version of the DES format is described in detail in the template and instructions available on the NARSTO QSSC Web Site, []).



All 38 files are identified by the prefix NARSTO_EPA_SS_ATLANTA.

A list of the principal investigators follows:

BTBarbara Turpin1 file
DSDennis Savoie3 files
EEEric Edgerton1 file
GAGeorge Allen3 files
KBKarsten Baumann3 files
HMHal Maring1 file
MBMichael Bergin2 files
PJPiet Jongejan2 files
PMPeter McMurry4 files
PSPaul Solomon9 files
RTRoger Tanner1 file
RWRodney Weber1 file
RZRod Zika1 file
SDSandy Dasgupta4 files
SHSusanne Hering1 file
TRTed Russell1 file

Condensed Identifier List:

ITOPC In-situ thermal-optical particulate carbon
MASS_MOUDIMass particles MOUDI
OCEC_MOUDIOrganic and Elemental Carbon
MOUDI 3-SFDSData from a 3-stage filter-denuder sampler
BC_EC HSPHAethalometer urban EC and classic Black Carbon Soot
CAMMContinuous Ambient Mass Monitor
HSPH_NO3HSPH Continuous Nitrate Monitor
METMeteorological data
GASGaseous chemical data
PCMParticle composition monitor
LIGHT_SCATAerosol light scattering
PM_ASAC PM2.5,Aerosol Scattering & Absorption Coefficient
UV_BREWER UVRadiation measurements
AWD_SJAC_ICAnnular Wet Denuder and Steam Jet Aerosol Collector sampling / on-line IC analysis
APM_TDMAAerosol Particle Mass Analyzer and Tandem Differential Mobility Analyzer system
TDMATandem Differential Mobility Analyzer system
ASPSAndersen Speciation Sampler
MOSSMetOne Speciation Sampler
FRM-A FRMSampler on platform A
FRM-B FRMSampler on platform B
FRM-T FRMSampler on roof of trailers
DICHOTAuto Dichotomous sampler
SPEC R&PChemical Speciation Sampler
URGURG Sampler
TVAPC_BOSSParticle Concentrator Speciation Sampler BYU Design-Ions and OC/EC data
PSC_ICParticle-into-liquid/ion chromatograph
OVOCGas phase Oxygenated Volatile Organic Compounds
PCS_ICFilter based Particle Collection System / Ion Chromatograph
PPWD_ICParallel Plate Wet Denuder / Ion Chromatograph
DS_FLUDiffusion Scrubber / Fluorescence
ADI_ICVCAutomated analyze, integrated collection, vaporization cell with NOx, SO2, and CO2 detection C
FPMM_TEOMContinuous fine particle mass measurement Tapered element oscillating microbalance
NANO_SMPS_SMPS_LASAIR-OPCNano Scanning Mobility Particle Spectrometer, Scanning Mobility Particle Spectrometer, Optical Particle Counter

Change Notice for NARSTO_EPA_SS_ATLANTA_FRM-B_PART_DATA_5_PS_V2.csv, 20070517


In the *TABLE COLUMN INSTRUMENT NAME AND MODEL NUMBER key phrase the previous entries of 'Anderson RAAS2.5/400' have been changed by the QAC to 'Anderson RAA2.5/100' per Paul Solomon's e-mail request of 2007/05/14.

No measurement values were changed.

3. References:

Mikel, Dennis K. and George Momberger. 1999. Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Southern Oxidant Study Atlanta Supersite Field Experiment, 1999. Revision 1.1, November 1999. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Atlanta, Georgia.

Mikel, Dennis K. 2001. Quality Assurance Final Report for the Southern Oxidant Study Atlanta Supersite Field Experiment, August 3 - September 1, 1999. Revision 1.2, August 3, 2001. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.

Solomon, P.A., W. Chameides, R.W. Weber, A. Middlebrook, C.S. Kiang, A.G. Russell, A. Butler, Turpin, B., D. Mikel, R. Scheffe, E. Cowling, E. Edgerton, J. St. John, J. Jansen, P. McMurry, S. Hering, and T. Bahadori. 2003. An Overview of the 1999 Atlanta Supersites Project. JGR - Atmospheres, Special Issue for the Atlanta Supersites Project, 108, in press, doi:10.1029/2001JD001458.

4. Contact Information:

Investigator(s) Name and Title:

Name: Solomon, Paul

Name: Chameides, William .L.

Name: Meagher, James

Data Center:

The User and Data Services Office at the Langley Atmospheric Science Data Center is involved throughout the system to monitor the quality of data on ingest, to ensure prompt replies to user questions, to verify media orders prior to filling them, and to ensure that the needs of the users are being met.

If you have a problem finding what you need, trouble accessing the system, or need an answer to a question concerning the data or how to obtain data, please contact the User and Data Services staff.

Telephone: (757) 864-8656
FAX: (757) 864-8807

5. Acknowledgment:

When data from the Langley Atmospheric Science Data Center are used in a publication, we request the following acknowledgment be included: These data were obtained from the NASA Langley Research Center Atmospheric Science Data Center.

The Langley Data Center requests a reprint of any published papers or reports or a brief description of other uses (e.g., posters, oral presentations, etc.) of data that we have distributed. This will help us determine the use of data that we distribute, which is helpful in optimizing product development. It also helps us to keep our product-related references current.

Please contact us at for instructions on mailing reprints.

Web Page Information:

Document Creation Date: January 9, 2003
Review Date: May 2007
Last Date Modified: May 17, 2007
Document ID: TBD
Author: Langley Data Center User and Data Services Office
Langley DAAC Help Desk: Phone (757) 864-8656; E-mail

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