Dodd Exonerated On Mortgages - Hartford Courant - Editorial
August 9, 2009

The Senate Ethics Committee took its time, but its exoneration of Sen. Christopher J. Dodd on Friday put his mortgage deals in proper perspective: He didn't violate the rules, but should have paid more attention to appearances.


He could have exercised better judgment when the now-defunct mortgage giant Countrywide Financial put him in a "VIP" mortgage program, the committee rightly said. The chairman of the Senate banking committee, which oversees mortgage regulation, has to be hyper-vigilant about any hint of favoritism, real or perceived, from a lender.


Yet the ethics panel acknowledged that Mr. Dodd didn't ask for preferential treatment or even get the best deal Countrywide had to offer.


It took more than a year for the Senate panel to investigate the matter, and Mr. Dodd's poll numbers suffered during the wait. But the ruling has to be a bright spot in a dark summer in which he saw his sister die from lung cancer and got his own prostate cancer diagnosis.


The committee's finding validates the faith President Barack Obama placed in him. It should restores constituents' faith as well.