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Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor (ACRIM) III monitors the total variability of solar irradiance with active cavity radiometer solar monitoring sensors. ACRIM III was successfully launched on board the ACRIMSAT spacecraft on December 20, 1999.

ACRIM III data are reprocessed every 90 days to utilize instrument recalibration.

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Currently Available Data Sets

For convenience in ordering these data products, select the ESDT short name in the table below.

Data Set Name
(select to order)
Description Parameters Data Format Temporal Coverage
Version 1
ACRIM III Level 2 Daily Mean data The Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) adjusted to 1 A.U. and corrected for sensor degradation.
The daily mean results.
HDF-EOS 04/05/2000 - present
ACR3LCSC ACRIM III Level 2 Shutter Cycle data Solar Irradiance

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