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Global Connectivity

The USDOT Strategic Plan for 2006 - 2011 has several strategic objectives. Among these is "Global Connectivity," the goal of which is to serve as facilitators for an international transportation system that promotes economic growth and development. The Strategic Plan goes on to note the importance of transportation to the development of the world's economies and international trade. Because of our mission, the Office of International Programs is in a unique position to offer a variety of programming activities that directly promote this strategic objective.

In many instances we are the initial point of contact between FHWA and the world. The Office of International Programs is the place that our international colleagues can turn to for assistance with their most pressing transportation questions. We are also the entity within FHWA that can most easily reach out to foreign governments to build stronger relations, engage in information sharing, develop professional networks, and promote US goods and standards. Exchange of mutually beneficial information helps our economy to grow and promotes the safe and secure use of our nation's roads. The Office of International Programs serves as the facilitator for this important dialogue between the U.S. and the global community.

The Strategic Plan can be found at


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This page last modified on 02/18/09

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration