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   Contact Information:
   200 S.E. 4th Street
   Abilene, KS 67410
   Tel: 785-263-6700
   Fax: 785-263-6715
   Toll free: 877 RING IKE

   Museum Hours:
   9am - 4:45pm
   Every day except Christmas,    Thanksgiving and New
   Year's Day

   Research Room Hours:
   M - F: 8:30am - noon and
   12:45pm - 5:15pm
   Except Federal Holidays

   Museum Admission:
   7 years and under - free
   8 - 15 years - $1.00
   Adults 16-61 years - $8.00
   Seniors 62 years+ - $6.00

   Active military - free
   Retired military receive $2




Dwight D. Eisenhower's signature


Welcome to the Dwight D. Eisenhower
Presidential Library and Museum


Ike's Abilene

Current Events

Gem of the Plains exhibitBLOCKBUSTER EXHIBIT: The Gem on the Plains: Ike’s Abilene 1890-1910 - May 15, 2009 through February 21, 2010

This exhibit takes a look at Abilene at a time when a young barefoot boy had simple dreams of the future. His upbringing in a modest Kansas town, by a family of religious beliefs and a strong work ethic, taught young Ike the values and morals of honesty and a hard day’s work. On exhibit are school books used by the Eisenhower boys, Ike’s 1909 diploma, items from the family home, typical toys of the turn of the century, and many photographs of early Abilene and much more.

Apollo 11 The Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum marks the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing with a new temporary exhibit highlighting the influential events and achievements of the U.S. space program beginning in the 1950s. The exhibit can be seen free of charge in the upper mezzanine of the Library building through December 19. more . . .

What's New

Bakers and Quilters wanted for Turn-of-the-Century Competition: The Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum is calling for entries for the Ike's Abilene Cooking and Quilting contests. Each contest is scheduled to be held Sept. 19.

Declassified Documents Now Open for Research: Formerly security classified documents provide additional insight into key foreign policy issues during the Eisenhower presidency.
Press release | Online documents | Collections containing recently declassifed documents

Upcoming Events

19th century baseball
August 22

Ike's Abilene - 19th Century Fun and Games with Victorian games for children, 11:00 a.m., Grounds near Boyhood Home

19th Century baseball game re-enactment, 1:00 p.m., East Grounds



John F. Burns August 28
An Evening with John F. Burns,
Visitors Center Auditorium, 7:00 p.m. RSVP for this event on Facebook or call 785-263-6700 or toll free 877-RING IKE.

John F. Burns is the longest-serving foreign correspondent in the NY Times' history and a two-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize. He is currently the London Bureau Chief and former Baghdad Bureau Chief.

News and Announcements

Two Cultural Institutions Partner: The Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum partner with the Great Plains Theatre to provide opportunities and discounts to their patrons. more . . .

Eisenhower Museum announces $5 Wednesdays: The Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum is lowering general adult museum admission to $5 on Wednesdays for the remainder of 2009. more . . .

Community outreach partnership: Eagle Communications Broadband Group and the Eisenhower Presidential Library & Museum are driving forward together as community partners and friends. more . . .


Five Star Leaders: Five Star Leaders is an experiential-learning leadership program which challenges students in grades 8-12, college students, and adults to work together to solve a problem, confront a crisis, or accomplish a mission. Armed with original documents and knowledge of history and leadership, students take on the same challenges as those experienced by historical figures.

Events Highlights

World War II Remembered: On June 5-7 the Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum commemorated the 65th Anniversary of D-Day with a variety of activities which included a parade, USO show, 1940s dance, veterans panel, flyovers, re-enactments, and military displays. The Veterans Panel aired on C-Span 3.

Veterans Panel | Photo Album | U.S. Army Freedom Team Salute Video


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