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Issue: Jobs/Economic Growth

Hall Votes to Give Economy Much-Needed Shots in the Arm
September 27, 2008
- Economic Stimulus Package Focused on Infrastructure Spending and Jobs-
- Tax Cuts for Middle-Class Families Passed -
Washington, DC – With concerns about America's economy growing every day, U.S. Rep. John Hall (D-NY19) took several actions this week to bring real benefits and tax breaks to middle-income Americans and stimulate the economy in the short and long term.
"The crisis on Wall Street hit a fever pitch this week, but families have been struggling for months and that is where our focus needs to be," said Congressman Hall.
Hall voted on Friday for a second economic stimulus package containing $35 billion to boost America's infrastructure. The package included $12.8 billion in funding to repair aging highways and bridges infrastructure, such as the 13 deficient bridges in New York's 19th Congressional District. The stimulus package also included:
• $5 billion to the Army Corps of Engineers to invest in water resource infrastructure with improved flood protection, navigation and hydropower and to increase the efficiency of existing water infrastructure.
• $3 billion to repair deteriorating schools.
• $7.5 billion for drinking water and sewer projects.
• $3.6 billion to purchase buses and equipment needed to expand public transportation and to make improvements to facilities.
• $1 billion to meet growing demand for public transportation due to higher gas prices while reducing American gasoline consumption. Rising fuel costs have some transit agencies facing service reductions or fare increases.
• $600 million, for projects to improve safety and reduce delays at our nation’s airports.
• $500 million, to make necessary upgrades to tracks and stations so that Amtrak can meet growing demand due to high gas prices.  This year ridership has increased by 8 percent on the Northeast Corridor.
The stimulus package contains specific measures Congressman Hall pushed for to invest in renewable energy including Advanced Battery Technology Loans. The measure includes $1 billion to support $3.3 billion in loans to encourage the manufacture of advanced vehicle batteries and battery systems, a key component to fuel-efficient cars.
"Investing to rebuild America's crumbling infrastructure is key to stimulating our economy with good jobs," said Hall. "Infrastructure jobs can't be outsourced overseas."
Also, on Friday, Congressman Hall helped pass The Renewable Energy and Job Creation Tax Act (H.R. 7060) to extend and expand tax incentives for renewable energy and create and retain hundreds of thousands of "green" jobs in related industries.
"This is critical for American job creation as well as for American families at a time when they're being squeezed on all sides by energy costs, grocery bills, and unemployment," said Hall.
To reduce our dependence on foreign oil, the legislation would increase the production of renewable fuels and electricity and encourage greater energy efficiency. It extends and expands tax incentives for renewable electricity, domestically produced energy and fuel, as well as for plug-in hybrid cars and energy-efficient homes, buildings, and appliances.
"These provisions are critical to creating and preserving more than 500,000 well-paid green collar American jobs in the wind and solar industries alone," said Hall.
To strengthen the American economy, the bill extends for two years the research and development tax credit, 70 percent of which is spent on U.S. wages, to spur American innovation and business investment. The bill also cuts taxes for millions of Americans, including teachers, college students, and families.