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PNSN > Catalogs and Data > Catalogs > Catalog Search

Pacific Northwest Catalog Search -


The CNSS Earthquake Catalog offers catalog searches for earthquakes world-wide.

Use the form below to search and select a custom earthquake catalog from the master catalog of the Pacific Northwest Seismograph Network. Only ten years of data can be searched and extracted at a time. If you want more than ten years' data you must make multiple requests. There is a help page available to explain details of the catalog and format issues.

This form is based on the NCSNDC catalog search at UC Berkeley. Thanks to Doug Neuhauser.

Output format: Readable catalog format:
Raw UW catalog format:
HYPO71 catalog format:

Hypocenter search parameters:
Start date,time:
End date,time:
(blank is to end of the start-time year)

Min magnitude: Max magnitude:
(blank is to largest possible magnitude)
Min depth (km): Max depth (km):
Min latitude: Max latitude:
Min west longitude: Max longitude:

Our catalog has a special "TYPE" flag which can be used to limit the search. Exclude certain "types" of events by checking up to four boxes:

Felt Event (type F). Probable explosion (type P).
Regular earthquake. Low-frequency event (type L).
Surface event (type S). Teleseism (type T).
Regional event (type R).


This is file /SEIS/PNSN/CATALOG_SEARCH/ last modified 6/24/02
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