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Economic Research and Data

Guide to the Flow of funds Accounts book cover

Guide to the Flow of Funds Accounts

Explains the principles underlying the flow of funds accounts and describes how the accounts are constructed. Lists each flow series in the Federal Reserve Board’s Z.1 quarterly statistical release, "Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States," and describes how the series is derived from source data. Explains the relationship between the flow of funds accounts and the national income and product accounts and discusses the analytical uses of flow of funds data.

Table description only (238 KB PDF), print copies available

Guide to the Flow of funds Accounts book cover

Models & Monetary Policy: Research in the Tradition of Dale Henderson, Richard Porter, and Peter Tinsley

Conference proceedings, March 2004, to discuss new work in the field of economic models and to honor these three economists. Topics discussed: influence of uncertainty on policymaking, design of formal rules to guide policy actions, role of money in the transmission of monetary policy, determination of asset prices, and econometric techniques for estimating dynamic models of economy.

Only available in print. $25 per copy

Staff Studies booklet cover

Staff Studies

Studies by the staff members of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and of the Federal Reserve Banks covering a wide range of economic and financial subjects.


Statistical Digest 1996-2000 book cover

Statistical Digests

Consolidation of Federal Reserve Board statistical releases for period indicated.

1980-89 Statistical Digest, 712 pp.
1990 Statistical Digest, 185 pp.
1991 Statistical Digest, 215 pp.
1992 Statistical Digest, 215 pp.
1993 Statistical Digest, 281 pp.
1994 Statistical Digest, 190 pp.
1990-95 Statistical Digest, 404 pp.
1996-2000 Statistical Digest, 352 pp.

Only available in print. $25 per copy

Statistical release covers

Statistical Releases

Annual print subscriptions are mailed. Fax service is available for select releases, as noted.

Actions of the Board: Applications and Reports Received - H.2

Published weekly, $55 per year


Aggregate Reserves of Depository Institutions and the Monetary Base - H.3

Published weekly


Assets and Liabilities of Commercial Banks in the United States - H.8

Published weekly, $30 per year


Consumer Credit - G.19

Published monthly, $5 per year (available via fax)


Country Exposure Lending Survey - E.16

Published quarterly


Factors Affecting Reserve Balances - H.4.1

Published weekly, $20 per year


Finance Companies - G.20

Published monthly


Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States - Z.1

Published quarterly, $25 per year


Foreign Exchange Rates - G.5

Published monthly, $5 per year


Foreign Exchange Rates - H.10

Published weekly, $20 per year (available via fax)


Geographical Distribution of Assets and Liabilities of Major Foreign Branches of U.S. Banks - E.11

Published quarterly, $5 per year

Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization - G.17

Published monthly, $15 per year


Money Stock Measures - H.6

Published weekly, $35 per year


Selected Interest Rates - H.15

Published weekly, $20 per year (available via fax)


Survey of Terms of Business Lending - E.2

Published quarterly, $5 per year


Surveys and Reports cover

Surveys and Reports

Alternative Instruments for Open Market and Discount Window Operations (2 MB PDF)

Concentration and Risk in the OTC Markets for U.S. Dollar Interest Rate Options (49 KB PDF)

Interagency Financial Institution Web Site Privacy Survey Report (226 KB PDF)

On the Use of Information and Risk Management by International Banks (59 KB PDF)

Senior Financial Officer Survey

Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices

Survey of Consumer Finances

Survey of Corporate Medium-Term Notes

Survey of the Performance and Profitability of CRA-Related Lending

Survey of Small Business Finances

Woring Papers images

Working Papers

Finance and Economics Discussion Series

International Finance Discussion Papers

Review of Foreign Developments

Occasional Staff Studies

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