
Louisiana Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration News

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cover May 2009
Cover December 2008
Cheniers and ridges provide habitat and protection - Bones of the Coastal Landscape September 2008
Louisiana's Wetlands Hang in Balance - Education, Outreach Build Public Support for Coastal Restoration June 2008
Creating Marsh to Rebuild Louisiana's Coast December 2007
Coastal Restoration Builds on Coastal Science August 2007
cover April 2007
Citizens in Action February 2007
Rebuilding Coastal Louoisiana November 2006
The Paradox of Plenty June 2006
Cover: Louisiana's Wetlands After the Storms March 2006
Cover: Sediment pipeline on Timbalier Island August 2005
cover April 2005
Cover: The dredge California pumps sediment into West Bay February 2005
Cover:  Blue Runners September 2004
Cover: Great Horned Owl April 2004
Cover:  Saltwater marsh January 2004
Cover: Tonging Oysters August 2003
Cover: Hurricane Lili bears  down on the wetlands of Louisiana. February 2003
Cover: New Orleans September 2002
Cover: Lush cypress swamp June 2002
Cover: cypress trees with green leaves in a blue mist October 2001
Cover: Infrared aerial photograph of the mouth of the Atchafalaya River May 2001
2000 - 1995

Subscribe to WaterMarks by giving your physical address to Dave Marks
at lacoast@condor.nwrc.gov or (337) 266-8623.

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