1: Biopolymers. 2009;92(2):83-93.Click here to read Links

Influence of the dye presence on the conformational preferences of CREKA, a tumor homing linear pentapeptide.

Departament d'Enginyeria Química, ETS d'Enginyeria Industrial de Barcelona, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Diagonal 647, Barcelona E-08028, Spain.

The conformational properties of the Cys-Arg-Glu-Lys-Ala (CREKA) peptide sequence labeled with fluorescein, a fluorescent dye attached to the Cys through a flexible linker have been examined using molecular dynamics simulations. The CREKA sequence has been identified as a tumor-homing peptide that effectively binds to clotted plasma proteins. Before conformational exploration, the molecular geometry, basicity and spectroscopic properties of this dye, which is essential for the imaging the peptide activity, have been examined using quantum mechanical calculations, with the results also allowing determination of the force-field parameters required for classical simulations. Minimum energy conformations derived from the conformational search have been classified using clustering analyses with criteria based on both the existence of interactions and backbone geometric similarity. The results have been compared with those reported for isolated CREKA (peptide without dye). We found that the fluorescein affects the energy distribution of the minimum energy conformations, with the repulsive steric interactions induced by the dye producing shifting the distribution towards higher energy values. Interestingly, although the structural characteristics of the bioactive conformation identified for CREKA are not perturbed by the dye, it is less stable when the peptide is attached to the dye than in other chemical environments previously studied (isolated peptide, peptide attached to the surface of a protein, and peptide inserted in a phage display protein).

PMID: 19051312 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]