Senator Tom Coburn's Oversight Action

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United Nations Watch

United Nations Watch

The United States is the largest member donor to the United Nations, contributing up to 25 percent of its entire worldwide operating budget (27 percent for U.N. peacekeeping activities) to the tune of billions of dollars each year.  In addition, the United States hosts the U.N. headquarters in New York, including the thousands of diplomats and agency employees.  Given the level of American investment and the impact of the United Nations on world opinion and events, we must make sure taxpayer money is not subsidizing activities which hurt American security, values and interests.

The evidence is not good.  A slew of indictments involving fraud and abuse of U.N. funds (again, a quarter of which comes from the United States) indicates the United Nations is incapable of protecting American taxpayer investment.  What’s more, the organization and its member states appear unwilling to adopt any meaningful reforms to better protect against these abuses in the future.

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Senator Tom Coburn's Oversight Action

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