Hearing on GAO Undercover Wage Theft Investigation

The Committee will hold a hearing tomorrow, Wednesday, March 25, to examine the findings of the Government Accountability Office’s undercover investigation into the Labor Department’s ability to enforce and investigate violations of our nation’s minimum wage, overtime and child labor laws.

The Committee held a hearing last July that identified failures by the Bush administration to properly protect workers from the problem of “wage theft” by adopting weak enforcement strategies and reducing funding and staffing levels of the Wage and Hour Division. This agency is responsible for investigating complaints of wage, hour, and child labor violations. For more information on July’s hearing, click here.
Hearing on "GAO’s Undercover Investigation: Wage Theft of America’s Vulnerable Workers

Greg Kutz, managing director of forensic audits and special investigations, U.S. Government Accountability Office
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
10:00 a.m, EDT
House Education and Labor Committee Hearing Room
2175 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C.

2181 Rayburn House Office Building | Washington, DC 20515 | 202-225-3725
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