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Issue: Taxes

Hall Statement on Tomorrow’s Increase in the Minimum Wage and Small Business Tax Cuts
July 23, 2007
Washington, DC – U.S. Representative John Hall (D-NY19) released the following statement on tomorrow's increase in the federal minimum wage from $5.15 per hour to $5.85 per hour, the first of three steps to raise the federal minimum wage to $7.25 over the next two years, and the small business tax cuts that were passed into law with the federal minimum wage increase:
“When the Democrats won control of Congress in November, we committed to raising the minimum wage for the first time in ten years and to provide tax relief to our small businesses.
Tomorrow’s increase in the federal minimum wage marks a concrete step that this new Congress is taking to provide greater opportunity and prosperity for all working Americans.
The considerable small business tax cuts that were passed along with this minimum wage increase represent a broader American agenda to expand our economy and give small businesses more room to grow and succeed.
Because New York’s minimum wage is already above the federal minimum wage, this federal increase is going to benefit New York’s businesses since companies in other states around the country will now be playing by the same rules.”