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Issue: Taxes

25 Million Middle Class Families Saved from Alternative Minimum Tax
September 24, 2008
- 76,000 More Households in NY's 19th Congressional District Would Have Been Subject to AMT -
- $62 billion in Tax Relief Passed -

Washington, DC – Today, U.S. Rep. John Hall (D-NY19) voted for $62 billion in Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) relief for 25 million middle-class families. Without this legislation, over 76,000 more households in New York's 19th Congressional District would be forced to pay the Alternative Minimum Tax.

The tax relief passed the House by a vote of 393 to 30.

"With rising gas, food, and home heating oil prices in this uncertain economic time, middle class families need tax relief," said Congressman Hall.

The Hudson Valley is disproportionately affected by the AMT.  In 2007, more than 30,000 families paid the AMT in New York's 19th Congressional District.  Only 12 other districts in the country have a larger number of families that will pay the AMT this year.

Taxpayers in the 19th District pay an average of close to $4,000 more in federal taxes as a result of the AMT continuing to encompass significantly more families than it was originally designed to.

"The AMT was put into place to ensure that the wealthiest families did not escape paying taxes altogether," said Hall. "Because of the flawed tax code it has grown into a tax that threatens teachers and firefighters – a far cry from its original intent. Working families should not have to pay a tax intended for millionaires."
