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America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, 2009

America's Children at a Glance

To open each section click on the section name next to the arrow. To close each section click the section name again.

  Previous Value (Year) Most Recent Value (Year) Change Between Years
close Demographic Background
Child population*
Children ages 0–17 in the United States 73.9 million (2007) 73.9 million (2008) NS
Children as a percentage of the population*
Children ages 0–17 in the United States 24.5% (2007) 24.3% (2008) Arrow pointing down
Racial and ethnic composition*
Children ages 0–17 by race and Hispanic origin
White 76.0% (2007) 75.9% (2008) Arrow pointing down
White, non-Hispanic 56.8% (2007) 56.2% (2008) Arrow pointing down
Black 15.2% (2007) 15.2% (2008) NS
Asian 4.1% (2007) 4.2% (2008) Arrow pointing up
All other races 4.7% (2007) 4.8% (2008) Arrow pointing up
Hispanic (of any race) 21.2% (2007) 21.8% (2008) Arrow pointing up
open Family and Social Environment
Family structure and children's living arrangements
Children ages 0–17 living with two married parents 68% (2007) 67% (2008) Arrow pointing down
Births to unmarried women
Births to unmarried women ages 15–44 51 per 1,000 (2006) 53 per 1,000 (2007) Arrow pointing up
All births that are to unmarried women 38% (2006) 40% (2007) Arrow pointing up
Child care
Children ages 0–4, with employed mothers, whose primary child care arrangement is with a relative Summary statistics excluded due to lack of comparability of data across the previous and most recent years. Please refer to the indicator text for more details.
Children ages 0–6, not yet in kindergarten, who received some form of nonparental child care on a regular basis 61% (2001) 61% (2005) NS
Children of at least one foreign-born parent
Children ages 0–17 living with at least one foreign-born parent 22% (2007) 22% (2008) NS
Language spoken at home and difficulty speaking English
Children ages 5–17 who speak a language other than English at home 20.3% (2006) 20.5% (2007) Arrow pointing up
Children ages 5–17 who speak a language other than English at home and who have difficulty speaking English 5% (2006) 5% (2007) NS
Adolescent births
Births to females ages 15–17 22.0 per 1,000 (2006) 22.2 per 1,000 (2007) Arrow pointing up
Child maltreatment
Substantiated reports of maltreatment of children ages 0–17 Summary statistics excluded due to lack of comparability of data across the previous and most recent years. Please refer to the indicator text for more details.
open Economic Circumstances
Child poverty and family income
Related children ages 0–17 in poverty 17% (2006) 18% (2007) Arrow pointing up
Secure parental employment
Children ages 0–17 living with at least one parent employed year round, full time 78% (2006) 77% (2007) Arrow pointing down
Food security
Children ages 0–17 in households classified by USDA as "food insecure" 17% (2006) 17% (2007) NS
open Health Care
Health insurance coverage
Children ages 0–17 covered by health insurance at some time during the year 88% (2006) 89% (2007) Arrow pointing up
Usual source of health care
Children ages 0–17 with no usual source of health care 6% (2006) 6% (2007) NS
Childhood immunization
Children ages 19–35 months with the 4:3:1:3:3:1 combined series of vaccinations 77% (2006) 77% (2007) NS
Oral health
Children ages 2–17 with a dental visit in the past year 76% (2006) 77% (2007) NS
open Physical Environment and Safety
Outdoor and indoor air quality
Children ages 0–17 living in counties in which levels of one or more air pollutants were above allowable levels 66% (2006) 66% (2007) NS
Drinking water quality
Children served by community water systems that did not meet all applicable health-based drinking water standards 9% (2006) 8% (2007) NS
Lead in the blood of children
Children ages 1–5 with blood lead greater than or equal to 10 µg/dL 2% (1999–2002) ** (2003–2006) NS
Housing problems
Households with children ages 0–17 reporting shelter cost burden, crowding, and/or physically inadequate housing 40% (2005) 43% (2007) Arrow pointing up
Youth victims of serious violent crimes
Serious violent crime victimization of youth ages 12–17 14 per 1,000 (2005) 10 per 1,000 (2007) NS
Child injury and mortality
Injury deaths of children ages 1–4 13 per 100,000 (2005) 12 per 100,000 (2006) NS
Injury deaths of children ages 5–14 8 per 100,000 (2005) 7 per 100,000 (2006) Arrow pointing down
Adolescent injury and mortality
Injury deaths of adolescents ages 15–19 50 per 100,000 (2005) 50 per 100,000 (2006) NS
open Behavior
Regular cigarette smoking
Students who reported smoking daily in the past 30 days
8th grade 3% (2007) 3% (2008) NS
10th grade 7% (2007) 6% (2008) Arrow pointing down
12th grade 12% (2007) 11% (2008) NS
Alcohol use
Students who reported having five or more alcoholic beverages in a row in the past 2 weeks
8th grade 8% (2007) 8% (2008) NS
10th grade 20% (2007) 16% (2007) Arrow pointing down
12th grade 26% (2007) 25% (2008) NS
Illicit drug use
Students who reported using illicit drugs in the past 30 days
8th grade 7% (2007) 8% (2008) NS
10th grade 17% (2007) 16% (2008) NS
12th grade 22% (2007) 22% (2008) NS
Sexual activity
High school students who reported ever having had sexual intercourse 47% (2005) 48% (2007) NS
Youth perpetrators of serious violent crimes
Youth offenders ages 12–17 involved in serious violent crimes 17 per 1,000 (2005) 11 per 1,000 (2007) Arrow pointing down
open Education
Family reading to young children
Children ages 3–5 who were read to every day in the last week by a family member 60% (2005) 55% (2007) Arrow pointing down
Mathematics and reading achievement
Average mathematics scale score of
4th-graders (0–500 scale) 238 (2005) 240 (2007) Arrow pointing up
8th-graders (0–500 scale) 279 (2005) 281 (2007) Arrow pointing up
12th-graders (0–300 scale) 150 (2005) N/A
Average reading scale score of
4th-graders (0–500 scale) 219 (2005) 221 (2007) Arrow pointing up
8th-graders (0–500 scale) 262 (2005) 263 (2007) Arrow pointing up
12th-graders (0–500 scale) 287 (2002) 286 (2005) NS
High school academic coursetaking
High school graduates who completed advanced coursework in
Mathematics 45% (2000) 49% (2005) Arrow pointing up
Science 63% (2000) 63% (2005) NS
English 34% (2000) 31% (2005) NS
Foreign language 30% (2000) 33% (2005) Arrow pointing up
High school completion
Young adults ages 18–24 who have completed high school 88% (2006) 89% (2007) Arrow pointing up
Youth neither enrolled in school*** nor working
Youth ages 16–19 who are neither enrolled in school nor working 8% (2007) 8% (2008) NS
College enrollment
Recent high school completers enrolled in college the October immediately after completing high school 66% (2006) 67% (2007) NS
open Health
Preterm birth and low birthweight
Infants less than 37 weeks of gestation at birth 12.8% (2006) 12.7% (2007) Arrow pointing down
Infants weighing less than 5 lb. 8 oz. at birth 8.3% (2006) 8.2% (2007) Arrow pointing udown
Infant mortality
Deaths before first birthday 6.9 per 1,000 (2005) 6.7 per 1,000 (2006) Arrow pointing udown
Emotional and behavioral difficulties
Children ages 4–17 reported by a parent to have serious difficulties with emotions, concentration, behavior, or getting along with other people 5% (2006) 5% (2007) NS
Adolescent depression
Youth ages 12–17 with past year Major Depressive Episode 8% (2006) 8% (2007) NS
Activity limitation
Children ages 5–17 with activity limitation resulting from one or more chronic health conditions 9% (2006) 8% (2007) NS
Diet quality
Average diet scores for children ages 2–17 Summary statistics excluded due to lack of comparability of data across the previous and most recent years. Please refer to the indicator text for more details.
Children ages 6–17 who are overweight 18% (2003–2004) 17% (2005–2006) NS
Children ages 0–17 who currently have asthma 9% (2006) 9% (2007) NS
— Not available                                    N/A – Not applicable                                    NS – No statistically significant change
Arrow pointing up –Statistically significant increase      Arrow pointing down – Statistically significant decrease
* Population estimates are not sample derived and therefore not subject to statistical testing. Change between years identifies differences in the proportionate size of these estimates as rounded. Percentages may not sum to 100 due to rounding.
** Percentage is not shown because sample is too small to provide a statistically reliable estimate.
*** School refers to both high school and college.