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Hall Statement in Opposition to the Dismissal of the Case against FAA Air Space Redesign
Friday, June 12, 2009
Washington, DC – Congressman John Hall (D - Dover), who represents New York's 19th Congressional District, today responded to the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit Panel’s decision to reject the lawsuit challenging the FAA's airspace redesign. His statement is below:
"I am shocked that the Court has dismmissed the law suit against the FAA's airspace redesign.  While I understand that the FAA needs to find a way to address air traffic delays, that should not be done in a way that negatively impacts the health and safety of our communities.  I am disappointed that the Court apparently failed to consider the arguments made by the plaintiffs that the FAA did not follow the law when proposing their plan.
The FAA, and now the court, has failed to address the impact of the increase in noise and pollution on the residents of northern Westchester County, and the other states and communities involved in this case. As Connecticut's Attorney General Richard Blumenthal has said, 'This court decision would leave the FAA unchecked and unaccountable for its failure to consider less damaging alternatives.'"