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Hall Helps Dutchess Business Owners Access Recovery Assistance
Thursday, April 16, 2009
-Brings Together Small Business Owners, Experts for Seminar on New Federal Aid for Businesses-
Fishkill, NY – Joined by Dutchess County's small businesses owners, U.S. Rep. John Hall today hosted a seminar to help them access new and expanded Federal aid. This workshop featured small business experts who explained the new small business assistance programs offered by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and how to access them. Today's seminar was the one of several small business seminars Rep. Hall is holding throughout the Hudson Valley.
"Small businesses are the driving force behind the Hudson Valley's economy," said Hall. "We can't expect to get our economy moving again without first offering a hand to Main Street businesses. I want our local businesses to know what help is out there and how they can go about getting it."
The recently-enacted Recovery Package provides significant opportunities and benefits for small businesses.  It addresses aspects of the credit crunch, provides tax incentives and creates financing opportunities that will help create jobs.
"The federal government has taken a very important step in approving the stimulus package," said Arnaldo Sehwerert, Ph.D., Director of the Mid-Hudson Region Small Business Development Center and speaker at today's seminar. "We at SBDC welcome Congressman Hall's initiative in getting the word out to small businesses in the region so that they can not only benefit from the package but become part of the solution to bring back economic prosperity to our communities."
Today's seminar included presentations by representatives from the local Small Business Development Centers (SBDC), along with opportunities to speak individually with representatives from the Small Business Administration, Internal Revenue Service, Chambers of Commerce and other local agencies. Specific measures of the ARRA directed at the Small Business Administration were discussed, as well as advice on preparing for procurement opportunities the ARRA is expected to generate. The agencies present also shared resources available to assist small businesses, including an overview of loan and finance programs, technical assistance, and other services.

"I appreciate the fact that Congressman Hall is taking the time to schedule this particular seminar for those of us in the business community," said Charles North, President and CEO of the Dutchess Regional Chamber of Commerce and Moderator of today’s event. "By providing the experts to interpret the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the small businesses that have the opportunity to attend will be able to learn how to access the benefits of this new program. This in turn could have a positive ripple effect within our small business community by creating more needed jobs that would lead to the expansion of business in our Hudson River Valley Region."
