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Hall Sheds Light on Earmarks, Announces Reform
Thursday, April 9, 2009
- Hall Posting All Appropriations Requests on his Website -
Washington, DC – U.S. Rep. John Hall (D-Dover) today unveiled an earmark process that insists on public transparency, emphasizes investments that create real value, and reflects Hudson Valley priorities. He also outlined a five-step process that can increase public understanding of the appropriations process.
"This is a serious step towards transparency for taxpayers," stated Hall. "I have set up a public process for submitting proposals and identified cost-effective and transformative projects and I am posting every single one of my requests online. I am eager to find investments that create real value and economic development in the Hudson Valley, and I am willing to put my signature on any request for funds I submit."
Hall's requests can be found on his website at the following links: and
To make certain that each project that Hall requests funding for meets the most rigorous standards, his office followed a five step process in reviewing applications.
5 Step Process:

Step 1: Hall invited applications from local governments, nonprofits, Fire and Police Departments, and other local organizations that wished to request appropriations in order to ensure that strong ideas emerged from the ground up. His staff worked with groups all across the district to instruct applicants on the proper appropriations procedures and guidelines.
Step 2: Based on written applications, face-to-face meetings, and project tours, Hall evaluated the projects based on key criteria. Each project must meet at least one of the following criteria before Hall would submit it to the House Appropriations Committee as a funding request.
It must:
• create jobs;
• promote local economic development opportunities;
• improve public health and safety;
• protect the environment; or
• promote energy independence
Step 3: Hall posted these projects on his website on April 3, 2009, the day the requests were made to the House Appropriations Committee. The website listing includes an explanation of what each project would do for the 19th District and the reasons for investing federal funds in the district.
Step 4: Hall also sent the House Appropriations Committee a letter for each of these projects certifying that he will not benefit financially from any of these requests.
Step 5: When each appropriations bill comes up for a vote, it will be accompanied by a list identifying each earmark and which members requested it. These lists will be made publicly available ahead of the vote.
"As part of the democratic process, Americans need and deserve transparency from their government," said Hall.