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Hall Calls IBM filing Patent for Outsourcing Unpatriotic
Monday, March 30, 2009
Washington, DC – U.S. Rep. John Hall (D-Dover) today condemned IBM for looking to patent a computerized system to help companies offshore jobs. Later this week, Congressman Hall will be announcing major legislation to reward companies that keep American jobs at home and are good corporate citizens. Hall has also been working to bring jobs to the Hudson Valley, especially to places such as the IBM campus where there is great potential to create local jobs.
"This is yet another step in the wrong direction from IBM," said Hall. "IBM's actions are downright unpatriotic and un-American.  I would hope that in this difficult time for America, companies like IBM would show some patriotism to help our country's workers and economy. Unfortunately, we are seeing the opposite from IBM. Companies should be rewarded and supported for keeping jobs here at home instead of outsourcing American jobs. I wish IBM would do the right thing on its own, but legislative action may be needed to get them to do that."
Congressman Hall is asking the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) to investigate whether federal funds were involved in developing the software. He is also urging the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to reject IBM's application.