eNews - July 31, 2009

This week's eNews includes: the Week Just Past, the “Uninsured” By the Numbers, House Passes “Treading Water” Defense bill, Working to Improve Veterans’ Care.

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Frelinghuysen Sponsors Amendment to Force FAA Consideration of Air Noise

Rep. Frelinghuysen introduced a bipartisan amendment to prohibit the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) from using funds to continue implementing its ill-considered airspace redesign for the New York/New Jersey/Philadelphia region.

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Thank you for visiting my online U.S. Congressional office. It is an honor and privilege to represent you in the United States Congress. As your Congressman, I want to be your voice in Washington, but first I need to hear your thoughts and concerns. So I hope that you will consider my website your link to me and that you find it a useful tool to help me better serve you.

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Frelinghuysen on the number of uninsured

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I am aggressively supporting Congressional efforts to reduce our dependence on foreign oil through extensive research and development of renewable enegery and energy alternatives. A major piece of this is the President's "Hydrogen Fuel Initiative" which looks to make fuel cell technology commercially available by 2015.